A question
OK guys - here's a question.
You and your husband are Christians. You find a witchcraft book in your stepdaughter's things. It's not the Wicca nature loving type, it's not harm none type, it's not nice at all.
What do you do? :sick:
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I don't know what I'd do..
I don't know what I'd do.. This is isn't my situation, but if it was, I honestly have no idea.
I'm for letting everyone choose their ways, but only if it's something good. If it was my daughter, I wouldn't be pleased with her following something that's bad.. So I'd have a talk with her. Probably even force her to give it up.
If it was my stepdaughter, I have no idea. I'd let her father know, but other than that.. I don't know.
Take it out of your house.
Take it out of your house. Mail it to her mother's house with a note that this is not allowed in your home again. If her father objects it is just another nail in your coffin. Although she may have left it out to upset you.
Me being me would toss it in the trash and deny all knowledge of it,
Nah...I think turning her
Nah...I think turning her into a plant is too generous...there's still a chance more of her could come to exist from her being a plant. I'd rather see if there's a spell that could turn her into a stone
Oh come on ladies, a plant?
Oh come on ladies, a plant? a stone? Surely the obvious choice is a big fat slug!
I don't know what I'd do about the book, I have many wiccan style and autobiographical witchcraft books, as well as psychic healing, and pretty much any other kinds of alternative therapy and new age stuff you can think of.
I guess the burning question is how old is the sd? Younger that say 14 I would just tell her dad and perhaps discuss that she can't bring them to your home. Older than that - leave her be.
I agree with dtzy and
I agree with dtzy and Pisces...kids are curious and this is an issue Dad needs to handle.
Hi, thanks for trying to
Hi, thanks for trying to help, I'm grateful
But it's not my SD, it's my friend's. I don't know which book is that.
Ignore it, honestly it could
Ignore it, honestly it could be #1 a phase, #2 curiosity, #3 to push your christian buttons, or really anything drawing attention to it is likely going to just make skid annoy you with it. I had drawn from the hat for our 2 day prep speech class in high school "Satanism and alternate religions" SM found my research books and flipped not only did I have to beg my teacher to call an explain it to my parents and give me an extra day to write a speech I used my SM's freak out to piss her off for years. She still to this day hates that I'm a witch.
I am sure it is just a,phase,
I am sure it is just a,phase, I would not worry. The bigger deal you make of it, the more she will play it up.
I don't believe in all that anyway, so ok, knock yourself out SD!! :evil:
Any chance it is for a school
Any chance it is for a school project?
And even if they are Christians, why is there "something to be done" with it? It is JUST a book. If she brought home a book on Judaism or Islam would there be a need to "do something"?
I get that it might have controversial (to the parents) topics in there, but I am gonna vote "over-reaction" on this one.
Just leave it alone. It is
Just leave it alone. It is no big deal. She could be curious, she could be working on a project. You can't control everything the skids read / are exposed to. Knowledge is a good thing.