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WifeVersion2.0's Blog

Getting Braces

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The wretched ex calls today and informs DH that she has made an appointment for SS to get braces. Not a huge deal, SD already has them, the EX is on state health insurance with the kids so there's no cost to us. We are fine with him getting them.

Fireworks could be early this year!

WifeVersion2.0's picture

DH is having BM served with papers today to modify his court ordered parenting time. Smile

Neither of us is sure how she will react. We might get explosive fire works physco BM or we might get complete silence. Either way I have NO DOUBT that we will get what we are asking for in court.

This is the first whammy....the second will come when she gets notification from the CS office that he's seaking a reduction in CS due to being unemployed for the past year.

This baby STINKS!

WifeVersion2.0's picture

So, the BM I deal with got herself knocked-up by a dude in 2008 that I'm sure thought was going to be her WEALTHY knight in shinning armor. He stuck around through most of the pregnancy then went to another state for a few months right after the baby was born for a "job opportunity". He moved back to our state but he's not interested in playing house with her! They've been fighting a nasty custody/child support battle ever since.
