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Ten months left!

wife number 2's picture

Ten months until SS turns 18, child support is paid until graduation two months later. This has been a long road!! Looking back over the last ten years with two skids in my home (SD is over 18 now), I wouldn't wish step-parenting on anyone! What a horrific ride.

The good news is the end is near!

God, do I have stories. My husband's ex-wife is the most wicked of all of the BM stories I have read on this site over the years. Husband's court file must be over a foot high. He has been to court for absolutely every possible issue. Attorney fees were astronomical for years.

Looking back, as the end is near, would I have married this wonderful man knowing that for ten years I would deal with an unhappy, control-freak, PASing ex-wife who would dictate our every visit, weekend and holiday? The answer is no.

His children, (one adult and one near adulthood) yes, children are so enmeshed by their mother, they are unable to take care of themselves or even think for themselves. Neither have any friends. They spend every minute beside their mother during mom's time or beside their father or me during our visits. If we leave the room, they follow. If we watch tv., they sit next to us. They have no interests. They only speak if spoken to and because they have no interests or friends, they have no conversation to offer. They just exist.

Yes, I have grown kids of my own. They have a ton of friends, are on the A-list of parties, have jobs, and are college students.

If you are new to a relationship with a man who has young kids... please re-think your relationship. Really! It is not an easy road. It is not a fulfilling road (for most). Find a man without kids that you will love just as much. He is out there.

As for me, I am crossing off the days on the calendar now... the end is near, but it has been a very, very long ten years!


No Name SM's picture

Notasm I cant relate to your story but I have to say, I LOVE your quote! I might start using that!!

No Name SM's picture

I often think that if I would have known all the heartache and stress of being a step mom I wouldn't have ever went on the first date with my DH. While I love him madly and he is a wonderful guy, like you said, I could have found another one out there I loved just as much without a child and drama. It IS a lot of work and a very selfless job. Congrats on being free! Get a nice bottle and celebrate!!