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Small steps...

WhereDidIPutMyBroom's picture

Still taking small steps...DH are still working on things and going to counceling, which seems to help. It's going to be a long road...the holidays will be rough this year since we have decided not to spend them together. Sad


cant win for losin's picture

I tell my dh, (cause wehave to spend weekends apart right now)
If spending weekends apart, ensures we will have a relationship in the future (after kids are grown) then im willing to do it!
Small steps indeed. Those weekends apart help us appreciate the weekdays together. Smile

Willow2010's picture

What a mess. Isn't he the one that kicked you out a few weeks ago because he was moving another woman in?! What happened to her? (((hugs)))

WhereDidIPutMyBroom's picture


He asked me to leave right after I found what the doctors initially thought to be a tumor on my kidney (it was later discovered to be a cyst that must be watched). We had been arguing for the days prior to that...he just had some AWFUL timing. He told me that he had someone moving in with him just to get me to leave. He did not tell me who until several weeks later. It turns out he originally was going to move one of his buddies in with him from work, but decided against it. He currently lives alone and gets his kids every other week...just like when we were together.

There is no other woman...unless you want to consider his mini-wife (SD14) lol

Willow2010's picture

Im glad there is no other woman. Be careful Broom...what he did was so cold. Hopefully it all works out for you!

skylarksms's picture

Ditto what Willow said. You have a bigger heart than me. I would never be able to forgive that mess.

WhereDidIPutMyBroom's picture

You were right Willow...he pulled the plug on our Marriage last night. I wish i would have listened to you Sad