Steps are visiting my Husbands family out of town and he knows nothing about it........
Yep, my story is too long to fill you in on everything and actually have not been on Step talk in many many months. The kids mother and I have some bad history, which I feel over the years has not only poisoned the relationship with the kids (they are weird too which does not help matters but I digress) I am finding out her lies and portrayal as a fake christian has created a weird relationship between my husbands mother and 2 of his sisters. Luckily they live across the country and I don't have to deal with the in law situation really, but this past march his parents were coming to visit, I thought it was to visit with him and I (since they did not make it to our wedding , which was only 4 hours away from his parents...hmm anyway) but I also knew it had been some time since they had seen their grandkids so I knew that was part of their reason for visiting. Well I found out that they were actually coming to attend my husbands ex wife's parents 50th wedding anniversary.....(its a staunch christian relationship , I guess that is the bond and commonality) Anyway I was insulted when they traveled all the way here and ended up spending more time with his ex wife than with me, my husband kinda saw my point but really it wasn't until his other sister that live out of town thought the situation was as odd as I and she was very vocal about it. He then jumped on the bandwagon....
Anyway the one sister that escorted the parents here has made plans for HIS kids to come to visit, this will be their first time flying, and going by themselves so far away, this has all been coordinated by his ex wife and my husbands sister and family....His ex-wife or family has not had the decency to even call him and say " The kids are coming to visit" or anything, even the lousy ex wife who still want to be a part of the family has not told their father. Keep in mind this trip isn't just down the street it is a 4-5 hour plane ride. My husband who is the king of not liking confrontation has said nothing. Is it me or is this bizarre?
how can a family be more loyal to a bio mom over their own son/ brother? ? especially when the ex put him in such a bad position after the divorce. I get frustrated with my husband for he is passive about everything, not sure what I expect him to do but I would expect him to call his ex wife and give a piece of his mind for not letting him know. I guess at the end of the day I could care less where his kids go, but its the whole idea and I am still rubbed the wrong way from his parents their visit a couple months ago.
- Whateva's blog
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I agree, the odd thing is he
I agree, the odd thing is he see the kids every other Saturday so he isn't estranged from his kids....I think his entire family is odd aside from possibly 2
I guess everything is
I guess everything is filtered through our own reality.
When my kids visit their dad's family I coordinate it directly with the people they are going to visit (grandma & grandpa, uncle). I don't see any reason to call BD and work anything out with him.
I guess if it would interfere with "his time" but it doesn't so...
And my kids' extended family is hundreds of miles away as well.
I also wouldn't think it was weird if BM sent skids to visit family without discussing first with DH.
Well I find it strange and
Well I find it strange and that is my For example this is their first time flying and going across the country, if anything happens I would think as a co-parent he should know especially since they are going to visit his immediate family. What else is odd is the fact that his OWN family has not said a word to him. Im sure my views are a tad bit tainted for I hate his ex-wife like I hate poison. What if it were his time with HIS kids and he decided to coordinate something with her mother and father concerning the kids without letting her know.....the dynamics are strange to me
This happens to DH too. We
This happens to DH too. We find out SD17 is coming and going places via social media before anyone tells DH directly, if they ever do. It's been happening since she was 13. It use to bug the hell out of me. DH doesn't mind because it meant less drama for him. Now that SD is almost 18 it doesn't matter as much, but when she was younger and it happened I would feel so bad for DH, that they would all be so thoughtless and exclusive. You're not the only one who has felt like this.
Good to know, frankly they
Good to know, frankly they could go and stay for all I matter...LOL I just thought it was weird. As I stated it would not be strange if my husband never saw his kids but that isn't the case