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warriorprincess's Blog

SS sneaking out a window to smoke, suspended 2 days for skipping class and leaving campus...

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Yea...I'm really not enjoying all this DRAMA. I just want to be normal..have a normal life. I guess that's not possible. Is it really possible to disengage when you live FT with the skid? I feel as though I need to hold on to any shred of a normal life..I can't deal with the constant drama. What to do? I have other children to think about. SS does not want to do right. I'm drained.

OT----I thought I lost you guys; scary I guess I need you!

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For some reason the bookmarks on my computer disappeared....So I kept going to this site and trying to log-in only to find that my username was not recognized....What? I tried like eight times...Figured out how to get my bookmarks back and it turns out this is "StepTalk" not "StepTogether" the place I was trying to log in to. Yeah, I'm an idiot. Glad to have your support!!!!!

Brutal honesty; why I "hate" my ss

warriorprincess's picture

I agree that our attitudes toward our skids do come from a feeling of rejection...For me my skid came into the picture after I met my dh...and was thrown at me because his bm was done. I was very young and emotionally immature. I didn't feel as though I ever had a choice as to whether or not I wanted to care for him FT and I was surprised and ashamed that I didn't love or even like this super cute kid that everyone else seemed enamored with.

Getting CS from out of state from's a fantasy isn't it????? Also...sending them back to BM ??????

warriorprincess's picture

Long story short, we had ss full time for five years before taking her to court. We took her to court for legal custody, to have his name changed and my dh's name added to the birth certificate (another man's name was on it). The court order says that she should pay 150 EOW in support. She paid that the first week and in over five years has given us somewhere around 1,000 total. That being said she is behind thousands and thousands.

Not doing well; teenage SS issues; lives with us FT

warriorprincess's picture

I haven't posted here in quite a while. I have a 15 yo ss who has been living with us full time for 10 years. Just this past week my DH (after much pressure from yours truly) finally filled out the paper work to go after his ex for CS. She owes between 15-20 k. Yeah, she paid us the full amount of court ordered support the first week...that was it. And she got away with it for all these years (I guess you could say he let her). In the meantime, I had taken on a part time job in addition to my full time job, to make ends meet.

Please Read- held it in for years...Hard things to admit; when you feel your sk is more popular than your bk

warriorprincess's picture

I can't believe how painful this still is after 14 years. I would have expected to have 'gotten over it' by now, but it just gets harder. I have basically raised my ss since he was five. His bm has been loosely in the picture, just enough to screw it all up. I never had a choice as to whether or not I wanted ss full time, I was just told he was coming to live with us, and here it is almost 10 years later. People used to tell me all the time how cute my ss was, at the same time ignoring my bs who was right there (he's two years younger).

I'm curious how many of you have spouses who weren't married when they made your stepkids?

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I've been reading a lot of your posts, and it seems that for most of you, your husbands (or wives, sorry gents) were married to your stepkid's mother. My husband was never married to my ss's mother they dated for like three months. Apparently that was long enough to create a lifetime of stress. Sometimes it really bothers me that he was so stupid to get her pregnant, esp. because they weren't married, and she has a very bad reputation for promiscuity. I guess for me in some ways my situtation is easier because they don't have that much history together.

I'm so sick of dealing with my ss...

warriorprincess's picture

I found out about him while engaged to my dh...yes, I could have ended it then, but didn't. Now it's 12 years later. We have two kids together and since the age of 5 my now 14 year old ss has been living with us FT while his mother shacks up with various other men, still seeming like the everloving mother to my ss. She has defied the court order, owes us 15, 000, didn't change my ss's surname, etc. etc. I'm sure all of this and the fact that I'm a teacher and I have summers and vacations off and end up dealing with this kid WAY more than his two bioparents.