Boyfriends family/children manipulate him
Would just like some advise.......Have been dating boyfriend 4 years and always knew that his family manipulated him but this past summer it was totally out of control. His brother was arrested 4th OUI and he ran to bail him out for thousands of dollars, brother said he would get money in a week it has been four months... his daughter had the same thing arrested and then called when fine was due crying that her license was suspended and did not have money to pay fine...has sister is an alcoholic and always calls for money. He continuously gives money to all of them. We had an argument about all of this....I work two jobs own my own home and really live week to week. Never ask anyone for anything. Will go without. I really believe that you should live within your means. I have two bc 19 and 23 and they work hard and pay their own bills. DD calls and says "daddy" and he gives her anything she wants. . . . she needed laptop for college then quit, needed snow tires, he flew her to Florida so she would not be home alone when mother went... she was 18, whatever his daughter wants she gets. I really care about this man and wanted to have a life with him but I dont see this ever ending. I told him that he was not helping to let his daughter grow up he was enabling her. I really beleive he does see this but cant stop. All of them have their partners and live a life. They all went on vacation this past summer but didnt have money to pay their fines. We are not talking someone being down and out needing groceries.. he is paying for other peoples bad choices. I just cant stand it anymore. He lives without so many necessary things because of his family. Why cant he see this.
- Walker's blog
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Sorry I didnt add that bf
Sorry I didnt add that bf daughter is now 21.........she took out a car loan a short while ago and then decided to quit full time job to go to hairdressing school and daaaddy took over car payments