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We only have to be good on school days ..

Wah-wah-11's picture

Yesterday was a day for SS9 to have a melt down over anything and everything. Both got in trouble in a store bc DH told them they couldn't have something. Then ss9 was pouting. we go in a different store and he walked into a cabinet and started crying and saying DH pushed him into it. So DH calls him out on his behavior & tells him to get himself under control. Then he gets mad throwing a fit bc DH is walking with his hand on his shoulder. So he jerks away and runs right into shelves & of course DH pushed him or tripped him . So we got through the stop!!! That hurt!! Squall. So we leave ... Then other SS is having a fit bc he wants a drink and starts crying bc DH tells him to get his butt in the car.. Then we have a melt down from ss9 bc DH asks me if I just want to get a pizza so we don't have to cook & guess what ss9 doesn't want pizza..all the way home they fight & pick on each other to cause the other to get mad ..

This morning SS9 is fussing bc he can't get his shoes on..even the wrong feet..Then on the way to school I say SS you're going to be good today right? His reply .. "Yes, but I don't have I be good Saturday" I said well why would you not have to be good on Saturday since we have to be good every day?? He says "we don't have school on Saturday so I don't have to be good"