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sheriff dept. cant figure it out.

violetforest's picture

Well talked to the sheriff today to find out how 3 confidential reports were released to my hubby's exwife today. They are all scrambling.

I also called an attorney, they said that I clearly have a significant case against BM. The Hippa protected reports that she got ahold of I cant even get a copy of unless I get a court order but hubby's ex has a copy of my report.

venting: Cant wait to take that bitch out. she has done nothing but harrass my family for the past 5 years and the two ss's have had trama everyday every since she came back ito the picture. The GAL got an eye opener today because "they" had all come to an agreement on Friday for ss13 to see his Dad over the weekend and of course it never happened. surprise. Bm sent only one of the multiple text messages that BF sent to BM and ss13, but no BM only sent one test to GAL that looked bad unless you had the timeline and the other text messages. Bm even refused to allow SS16 to talk to his brother.

I'm sure that God had a reason for taking my ex out of the picture 5 years ago but I really wonder if he could get rid of the other one for me.


violetforest's picture

The really upsetting part of this is that we think that the reports may have come from my hubby's father who retired for the city police dept were hubby works. He does part-time work for both the city and county where we live.

Sad to say but after hubby's parents testifing against me in court for "whispering" in a 5 years olds ear and telling him to stop what he is doing, stealing the kids fish out of their fish tanks (they died) and destroying the kids play house and dual tree fort with rope latter and bridge I put nothing past these people.

Hubby's mother had lied to BF about attempting to call him when things all began and then she admitted under oath that she had lied about calling him. Which set all of this entire mess in motion, she even admitted that she thought that we would just send the ss's to live with them over instead of with BM, like we would have legal right to do that.

So far the county is telling me that they sent out copies that were blacked out, these copies are not blacked out so some how they got originals. I am so tired of this shit. Even when I moved out for 4 months last summer they drove by my house constantly, parked outside to stake it out to see who was coming and going. They are nuts, but with WIS law there is nothing I can do.