Does anyone go through the same thing with your husband
My husband had not seen his son for 6 months because the BM was mad that I was now in the picture and she was not.They were never married) She took him to court for full custody and visitation at her home only. However, the court did not grant her full custody and he now has standard visitation rights. His son is only 3 1/2 so we had to gradually work up to every other weekend. We had our first overnight visit Saturday this week and it went fine. Well in two weeks we will have our first full weekend and she is complaining because she does not want ss to miss church every other Sunday. My husband and I discussed it and agreed that it would not be a fair because he would be missing quality time with his son. Well, after he dropped him off he told me that they agreed that He would pick ss up on Friday morning instead of at night and she would pick his son up on Sunday morning. I was so pissed off when I heard it. I told him I don't know why he would agree with that because on Fridays he is not free all day and Sunday is his really only free day that he does not have anything to do. His response was that he was trying to work with her. Why??? She never tried to work with him. For six months she would only allow him to see his son at her house as if he was a drug addict. So he stayed away. She went to court without a lawyer because she just knew she was going to win. But the joke was on her because we had one. She thinks she is better than everyone. She thinks because she is a Chiropractic she is a real doctor. (NOT!) And since we have the court order she has been still trying to control everything. First she sent a 7 page document detailing ss diet, bathing, how we should conduct visitation. She does not want me to be at pick up and drop offs at her house. We have already had a verbal almost physical confrontation. Just before this past visit, she did not believe that he had the right car seat and argue that she wanted it in the middle of my husbands car. Well after I talked to him he realize it was not a good idea so he called if off. But I was just so mad at him for even agreeing to try it out in the first place. I don't think he realizes that he has a court order giving him a right in his son's life. And that it would be very hard for her to prove that he is unfit to be around his son. Please could some let if others have been dealing with this issue.
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church issue
We have to deal with the church issue. However, it is us that go to church and not Bm. We just have to deal with it and work around the fact that ss will miss church at least every 1st and 3rd weekend. Ss of course doesn't care. Why couldn't you guys take him to church? Is there a huge difference in religion choice. In our case Bm has no religion that we know of.
Bottom line though, if there is a court order, then he doesn't have to give up his son.
This is just my experience
Im on my soapbox today as we had problems with the same kind of thing and it pisses me off.
I am a few years down the road from where you are now. BM did everything that she could to frustrate visits with my DH's girls, then eventually her heard exploded (when our son was born) and flatly refused to let us see the girls at all. She took us to court at this point with the intention of us only being able to see the girls for one week in the summer. Two weeks before the court date she moved 8 hours away hoping this would seal the deal. Well the court slammed her and gave us every other weekend (hubby works 2 weekends a month), summer vacation etc. She complied for a while but because she couldnt get what she wanted in court she worked on dh, who of course "wants to take the higher road" and work with her. WTF! Lets see, $2500. down the hole, sleepless nights, depressed hubby, stomach problems, etc. for what???? Not to mention this "flexibility" has done more harm then good. You cant be flexible with a control freak. And as a sidenote Why is it that the crazier and more controlling the ex is the more the "flexible" the dh tries to be?...... anyhow... BM has messed with visitation so much and alienated the kids against us that now at this point we maybe see the girls one week a year as long as all the stars in the sky align correctly. So why didnt we just give her want she wanted in the first place?????
Here is what my dh failed to realize and excerise. A court order is LAW. Even though it may have gone in your favor does not give you the ability to be flexible with it. Only the courts can alter a court order. If you do not follow the order - even if you are just trying to "take the higher road" you are in contempt of court! I dont understand why people will fight for this right to be protected and then throw it away at whim. Ok im overdramatizing but seriously. Protect yourself and follow the court order as it is spelt out. When the BM or BD - whomever is your ex - doesnt like something in the order its out of your hands - tell him/her you sympathize - perhaps they should discuss it with the judge. The two of you couldnt agree - it went to court - so the judge decided. Both parties to the court order are expected to follow it as it is written out. Wave it, hide behind it - and abide by it! Some people you can reason and negotiate with - but not with a controlling or abusive ex!
My brother-in-law has a druggy ex who is not allowed to see her son unsupervised, she was a great person before the meth addiction but not now. She has been systematically working on my bro in law to let her have the son for a weekend. She was starting to wear him down, he felt sorry for her, she is his mother, etc. I told him its not his decision to make, the court order releases him of the ability to make any decisions regarding visitation. It was freeing to him to know it was out of his hands. Now when she whines to him he just says "well im sorry but I guess you will have to go before the judge to change visitation - I am bound by the same order."
Thanks for the advice. You don't know how helpful this site has been for me so far. I try to tell my husband that she is sneaky and will do anything to get her way. And I know when we have kids that she will take it to the next level. But I am ready for it.
Beware of the everlasting grief and never trust the courts...
I went through a very simular situation, and now eight years later all I can say is yes...court papers are legally necessary...Never trust the EX to be honest..and never think that it is as easy as waving those papers..(bd's rights) will get you anywhere. In our case we followed through with the court crap, and when the x was in contempt and we called her on it...we got zilch and 16hrs waiting in the court house! Court will show you how easy a person can stand infront of a judge and lie, and how no matter how many years you are dedicated to your child..your dh is basically the sperm donor cheque writer and weekend sitter when it is convenient for bm. I am all for getting a fair judgement and agreement btw parents but it rarely happens in my experience. my ss bm put us through hell, including serving us a letter from her lawyer denying access because of our car and it's unsafe condition...funny her account made my volvo ten years older than it was one of many lies. My advice to all is always keep a calendar/journal with dates of visits made/denied, contempts of the agreement, etc and when are forced back into the courts you will be prepared to give your lawyer every experience has also been that having all this info documented can really piss off the ex! Too hard to deny the truth. above all enjoy the peace and quiet when you have your ss home with you...even if it means you turn the phone to the machine during your visit with a cheerful message..."just busy enjoying our family today please leave a message"
court orders
Thanks for your advice. I really sucks how some men get the bad in the stick when they are trying to be a good man. My husband has joint custody do you think that helps?
Re: joint custody
Keep it as long as you can I would say. In our case bm was only going after sole custody so that she could write her will and will ss to her parents. Our lawyer laughed that off and suggested to save time and a lot of grief to give her sole custody (bm was pulling alot of delay tricks in the case, and bullcrapping details of bf involvement). Even when we had joint it did not stop bm from overmedicating and having medical procedures performs without bd knowledge. As a result the only thing that changed on the custody agreement was the words "sole" from "joint". dh still retained the same access and rights in regards to medical decisions, etc. She still doesn't let us know about everything but ss goes to our family doctor not hers...which is a bonus because in need we have our doctors testimony available, and she is aware of bm's overagerating medical issues. In regards to the will...our lawyer informed us that after the 90days(Ithink)probate we just go to the courts and apply for custody..which in our case we have been there since day one and would easily get it. good luck