What to do about giving meds to ss.
My stepson's BM is a control freak and wants to put in place a lot of restrictions when it comes to ss. She is a chiropractic and believes in alternate health. She only wants ss to eat organic food. (Which does not make sense because she is a fat cow) No sweets or regular food at anytime. She also does not believe in giving him medication. When he is sick he is to be given only natural medication. Well, this weekend she sent him over with a nasty cough and runny nose. She never told my husband what she gave him. My husbands never follows a lot of her rules when it comes to food. We won't give him cow milk but he eats what we eat which is pretty healthly. However, this was the first time he was sick in our care , so we gave him a over the counter cough meds because he was mirseable. When the ss went home she asked him if we gave him anything and he told her we did.(he's 3) She called my husband and ask what we gave him. He told her airborne was the only thing because he did not feel like an arguement. They have joint cusody but she is the tie breaker. She is trying to find anything to take up back to court to get total control. I don't belive that there is a medical doctor out there that would disagree with giving a child over the counter meds when sick. Do you think we are wrong for not respecting her wishes and beliefs and would she have an arugement if we went back to court? Or do we have a right to make sure his not suffering when sick?
- ultrak's blog
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If your husband has joint
If your husband has joint legal custody, then I doubt there's a whole heck of a lot she can do about it. She could try, but I doubt any judge would want to hear her case and no self-respecting lawyer (if there is such a thing) would take her case, either, based on just that alone. If he was sick when he left her house and she wanted him on a specific medication, then she should have either provided it or told DH what he needed go get. In the future, maybe you can call the "nurse line" for your health insurance company. I think most of them have these, a toll-free number you can call to speak to a nurse to find out how to treat certain things and to get advise on whether you need to see a health care provider. If you do that, then it'll be documented that you got the advice from a medical professional if it ever did come down to a court battle.
~ Anne ~
Seems to me
she only has the right to control what happens in her own home, she has no right to control food, medication, etc., in your home.
These people are unbelievable in their belief that they have the right to control everyone else's actions. As long as the child is receiving proper care, she has no valid argument.