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Speaking of wills and stepkids...

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Dh's stepdad passed. He had been sick for a while. He was with mil for 5 years so dh didn't really consider him a stepdad....until now. Whatever. And my stepFIL's kids have shown their true stepkid entitlement issues to my mil. They have been hounding mil for things since his passing. Stepfil has been with mil for 5 years and I barely met his kids this year because they never came around! It was sad really. He always asked to see his kids and grandkids but they rarely came around. When he and mil would try to visit, his kids would rush him out. Mil still had one grandkid's Christmas gift til this month because they never came to pick it up! However since he passed, his kids have been asking for certain things that belonged to him not knowing their dad had a will. They never acknowledged mil til now when they started calling and texting her wanting this or that. They even blamed mil for not letting them know how 'bad' their dad was & had they known they would've been around more. Right. Anyone who spent time with stepfil knew how sick he was. You could tell by looking at him how sick he was. They just never spent time with him or saw him. In fact, his last day, mil was begging his family to come to the hospital & it wasn't til stepFIL's mom told them to go that they just enough time to say bye. Anyway, Mil finally told them how hurt their dad was by their actions and gave them a copy of the will. He didn't leave them a thing! Left everything to mil (a few things to his grandkids). Even my sil (not stepFIL's kid) got something! His kids are furious. He didn't cut them out just because they didn't visit but they had a history of running all over him. now, mil will give them things of his but because she wants to, not because she has to. And since she showed them the will, they have left her alone. Oh, and these 'kids' are in their 30's. So, those who have talked about wills and such- get a will done! And no, the entitlement issues don't end!


Done WIth It's picture

Hey...I think I know those stepkids. They tried to sue, but weren't able. The will was the will....and it couldn't be broken.

I can tell you, those people are really really really angry and not saying very nice things!!

I know they're not your people, but funny that I'm reading that because this took place about 6 months ago. One son was okay with it all...the other sons, they were ticked ticked ticked off. Nothing they could do but throw lots of money at a lawyer and still get "nada". That's nothing in spanish.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Yes! They threatened to sue her. This is just two weeks after mil lost her husband! They don't have money so the threats were empty. That's when she pulled out the will. I KNOW they are furious! But dh and his siblings treated stepfil better than his own kids did! My sil took care of him and he left her a chunk. That must've made them mad!

Done WIth It's picture

Sorry fun being in that situation. Good you've got a couple kids that appreciate you for what you are.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

This case is a little different. Stepfil left more for his stepkids than his real ones! (of course he left mil with the big stuff). But for mil, her stepkids were shafted for their entitled spoiled behavior and attitude. It was just like cases I've read about on here. Sad.

christag's picture

I hope it's a long time until it happens, but my situation with my husband's estate planning is kind of reversed. My husband has raised my kids (his stepkids) for almost 8 years but he's leaving nearly everything to his biokids (who refuse to visit and will only let him visit without me).

When we first got married, DH went out of his way to make sure his biokids knew of his estate planning, that they were the primarily beneficiaries, etc. I wasn't marrying for money, I certainly didn't complain, but our incomes aren't exactly equal. After the way his kids have behaved, I would have love it if DH excluded them or his estate was divided equally amongst all 5 kids, but that's not in the cards. No, DH's plan is that once he's gone, I can live in the house, and then it goes to his kids after I'm gone. Great.

Of course, for my will, everything goes to my biokids exclusively. Not a dime to the evil steps and DH can take care of himself.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Yuck. Talk about being blind! In his case, stepfil learned his lesson when he gave his kids a portion of their inheritance early. They blew thru it so fast.

Oh, and I forgot to mention stepfil had divorced his kids mom when they were young & was ncp. So hey had always grown up just squeezing money out of him and putting him second. Never ended!

herewegoagain's picture

If the idiot EVER calls me after her father dies, she will get a THIS PHONE HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED UP YOUR A$$ recording...If she could not be decent to her father while living, she can kiss my butt after he's gone...DH is PERFECTLY in agreement as well. Actually, his whole family will get the "UP YOURS OUT OF MY LIFE recording..."

Pathetic people...pathetic kids...

Eyes Wide Open's picture

When we married (all kids were adults) I made sure there was an ironclad pre-nup. All life insurance goes to my daughter, and all property goes to her, too. I will not leave a thing to DH mainly because I worked hard for everything I have, and if I leave it to DH and then HE dies, his useless kids get it all. Not happening! Now, my daughter has been instructed to care for DH, and I know she will, but she'll be in charge of the money so nothing will get in his kids hands. I know this sounds cold hearted and sad, but anyone in the position of a step mother to adults knows what I mean. They're mean to us, but figure they'll get it all if we kick off!