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Update on Thanksgiving BM Drama

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We are invited to SO's aunt's house for Thanksgiving. He has to work today so we can't be there until this evening. We think the In Laws invited BM to come this morning.

SO asked SD last night, "Is your mom going to be at Thanksgiving tomorrow?"

"No. I'm driving myself and SS."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, she said you didn't want her to come."

I think BM said this to make everyone mad at SO, since BM is the golden shining prize of his family and will never be replaced. They're all going to freeze us out when we get there.

BM is probably invited to The In-Laws' For Thanksgiving

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Ever since we were invited to SO's aunt's house for Thanksgiving, we've had an intuition that we'll be walking into a trap if we go. Based on my historical research (getting screwed by these people many times before), one of three things could happen:

1. BM was invited long before we were and she'll leave before we get there (SO has a job where he has to work mornings, and the in laws know it. Great opportunity to see precious BM!).

Weird Things Your Stepkids do?

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I want to know if your Skids are as weird as mine. I'm not talking about things that are necessarily bad or annoying, just weird. Like...

-Collecting screwdrivers from around the house. I have confiscated at least five (that belong to us) from SD's room. What is she using them for?

-Sleeping on top of the covers, then refusing to make the bed because "I didn't sleep under the covers!"

-Leaving wet washcloths balled up in the corner of the shower. Ok...?


SO suddenly gets his second wind for Skids after being exhausted all day.

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Does anyone else have this problem?

My SO is exhausted and has to nap all the time. He gets up early to help SD get ready for school and to call his other kids. After work he crashes. Then, when SD gets home, he suddenly has a ton of energy to go talk to her. When she goes to bed he comes into our room and crashes again.

I think my SD may have BPD

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After living with my teenage SD for the better part of a year, I am convinced there's a good chance she has borderline personality disorder. I have known other people (adults) who have bpd or narcissistic/histrionic personality disorder, so I've done a lot of research on the disorder. "Borderline" is often used as an umbrella term over several personality disorders (two of which I mentioned above). Anyone else have experience with BPD kids or stepkids? If so, how did you deal with it? I would love to hear about your experience.

SD is doing better

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...this week.

Last week, her dad had a talk with her about drugs. I don't know why we never thought to say this before, but I had something of an epiphany. After getting some advice from a friend, it occurred to me we were trying to deal with all the symptoms of the problem without dealing with the problem itself. We talked about it and SO agreed with me.

Then, he told SD, "You have a choice. You can do one of two things. You can do drugs. OR you can live here. Pick one or the other, because we won't tolerate drug use from anyone in this house."

Update: BM is now threatening to put SO in prison for unpaid child support

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This is a long story, I'll try and be brief.

SD broke into the house (broke a window) a few months ago and has yet to pay it back. She's also been stealing from us quite a bit (money out of our room).

After several weeks of her not paying for the window, SO confiscated some money from her. Apparently this is money BM gave her for just "being." He let SD know this morning he had done that to pay for the window and she threw a fit. Called her mom.

BM just shows up unannounced...

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...around six this evening she showed up with SD in front of my house. She "needed" to get some school papers signed. Ironically SO had been texting with her about this very subject and she failed to mention she was in the neighborhood. Just popped in. Never mind that BM lives an hour away. Well, SO headed outside to deal with it and BM trapped him between her two open car doors as he leaned inside to sign. This is an old trick of hers to get close to him. When I got outside she was standing six inches away from him, trying to flirt. She does this all the time.

I just want her out of my face

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SD has an incredibly huge false sense of entitlement. She had been doing somewhat better until BM took her car shopping last week. SD threw a tantrum at the dealership in front of everyone because she wanted a DIFFERENT car than the one her mom was offering to buy. This involved screaming and stomping her feet like a two year old. They finally found a car for her and she drove it all yesterday.
