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troubled teen

tracylyn0820's picture

As a bit of background, my husband and I have been married for 9 years. 10 years ago his children both boys came to live with us. they saw their bm every other weekend and we split holidays. last year ss17 moved to his moms and ss15 still lives with us. She has taken us back to court at least 6 times in the last 9 years to get custody. Well really, she gave up fast on more visitation, but she really pushed for more child support! LOL! But that aside....We also have two girls who are 2 and 4. Anyhow, the brainwashing for ss17 started about the time he was 12 as she thought that was the magic age for him to decide where to live and obviously she would get even more cs from us. Now she is working on ss15. The problem is its a tricky spot for us. She is not a good parent, she is a friend. She makes false promises (cars, motorcycles, money etc) and just is plainly not a parent. Now ss15 is in high school, and he has started drinking. We just found out about it this weekend. Today he was not permitted to go anywhere. He is also failing every class in school. I email his teacher, get his assignments, check for missing assignmnets, offer to help him study for tests, etc. We have a meeting with the school this week. But back to the drinking, he told us that his mom knew that he drinks here with his friends. he also told me that i told him that when he got to high school he could drink! I told him that the conversation was...if you find yourself in a situation where you have been drinking or your ride has been drinking, don't make a bad choice into a deadly choice, call me and we will pick you up. That was in no way intended to be permission to drink! I really do not want to end up in court, because bm thinks this is her ticket to get her paycheck. I also know that ss15 does not want to live there. His friends are the most important thing to him, so if I take away his friends entirely, he has no incentive to get his grades up and he also will start playing that rediculous back and forth game ss17 did. So already because of his grades he is not allowed to go anywhere Sunday night through Thursday night. He has no internet access either unless it is for school and then he must use my laptop at the kitchen table. He is allowed to see his friends on the weekends. What do I do about this drinking? I know that it is the norm these days, but I don't agree with it and I don't want it getting out of hand.


vgill's picture

You are doing the right thing, I live with a similar BM ssons situation, however it has gotten soo bad that Dh and i washed our hands of it and said if she wants to be super mom let her, there is a reason that she did not have custody when they were young but you can't tell my skids anything so we'll let them learn the hard way! My mother also says you can teach the right and they may stray but they will come back to it you can only do so much, sometimes you just have to be there when they fall. don't do his school work for him let him be responsible for it done or not, failing a grade is not the worst thing in the world, it may open his eyes to some of the little realities in life, that you have to work for what you want. As for the alcohol, point out to him the older generation that are drinkers and tell him to notice what kind of car they drive or the clothes that they wear, everyone starts the same so you don't notice the effects of alcohol on younger people but after years of drinking you start to notice that these people drive crappy cars and have crappy clothes because they spend all their money on alcohol, when instead they should be driving a new car. And also you should never drink around them, it's a monkey see monkey do thing, they love you -you drink.. ergo to be more like you they drink. But I agree with you about disciplineing him for drinking but make sure that he has some controll in the grounding, like for good behaviour he can be done his grounding 3 days early bad behaviour 3 extra days of grounding. next time he goes out just a quick reminder to him like " I hope we can trust you to be resposible and remember what we taught you" and of course the I love you be safe, have fun!! All in all you are doing the best you can and that is all you can do the rest is up to him!!

pastepmomof3's picture

That's a hard place because i'm sure he's heard stories from his friends parents or maybe his own BM or BD about underage drinking and the "fun" and "excitement" this brought on. I can only speak for myself but I experimented with this as well. If it gets too bad, consider taking him to an AA meeting so he can clearly see what alcohol does to people. You may also want to reaffirm his goals and ambitions and show the nexus of his decisions today and the affects they can have on his future. (i.e. if he wants to be a police officer, but gets caught underage drinking). Sounds like his dad needs to step in and have a talk with his son. It's hard to step back but you don't want to have misguided resentment towards you. This little talk might also solve the schoolwork issue. Just continue to be supportive and hang in there.