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Is it just me or do all parents forget things sometimes?

torrieanna03's picture

Last night my 6D had a t-ball game. I had to meet them there because I working. Well, her dad (my-ex) gets there and is mad because she doesnt have her BOW in her hair. Really? It was in her bat bag but you would have thought I brought her with no clothes on or something. And who really needs a BOW in their hair to play ball huh?!?!?! I got 20 questions on why she didn't have it. She really loves her t-ball but sometimes I wish she wasn't in it so I wouldn't have to be around him. He finds little things to nag about. It makes her uncomfortable.

Then she started feeling sick and I told her we could go home but he tells her that she has to stay or the team will lose the game! Thats just mean! You could really tell she was getting sick but I don't want to cause a scene and argue with him in front of all the people. Also, my daughter was telling his girlfriend that I forgot her bow and she makes the comment "IMAGINE THAT" with this sarcastic voice. I just thought it was inappropiate to say that in front of the child.

My point I guess is that there are times when parents aren't going to have everything they need at the exact moment and that it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Am I wrong to think this way? I said it wasn't a big deal and his reply was "nothing is ever a big deal with you". I just choose my battles when it comes to something like that. I could understand if I didn't bring any of her uniform and bat bag. Am I crazy?


BSgoinon's picture

No you aren't crazy. Sounds like they are LOOKING for things to complain about. A BOW in her hair? Really?? That is just crazy.

torrieanna03's picture

Yeah when half the team didn't even have theirs in. Besides they get in the way when the put their batting helmet on so what's the big deal??? I just told him I didn't have time to argue about a bow and walked off.

momagainfor4's picture

that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard today, maybe this week. And yes, you are correct in assuming that since none of us are perfect.. from time to time, parents will forget things.
Last time I checked, parents were people, too.

If your ex wants to find something to bitch about, he'll find it. I'd tell him kiss my ass.

LilyBelle's picture

But, didn't you get the memo? You aren't a parent, you are a step-parent, and in order to be acceptable you have to be perfect in every way all the time for all people.

So, go home and make yourself a perfect drink, whatever you like. And sip it, and tune out all the negatives. And embrace your inner BITCH- she is perfect at protecting your spirit and knowing what's best for you, and taking care of you!


torrieanna03's picture

I am the mother! That is why it is crazy to me! But I just don't see the need to make a big deal. It ended up being in her bat bag but she didn't want to wear it. It just bothered me that him and his girlfriend acted like it was a huge problem when it wasn't a big deal at all. But I could definitely use a drink everytime I have to go in a room with the two of them.

BSgoinon's picture

Last year our team mom decided hairbows were a good idea for my 10YO daughters softball team. DD wore it ONCE, and it got in the way of her helmet. I don't care if it was a "part of her uniform" or not, it was hurting her head so I didn't make her wear it. I caought slack for it for exactly ONE GAME, until one of the other mom's stepped up and said "who wears hairbows in softball anyways? They can't put their helmet on over it". Hairbows SCRAPPED.

My sson however... BM had his uniform ONCE this season, she sent it back home without his belt. I made her drive all the way across town to bring it to him. Was it necessary?? No, he has a black one that he could have worn, and you can't even see his belt anyways because the jerseys are so big. But my point was, whenever I text her to tell her to bring his uniform back, I list EVERYTHING we need. i.e. "Please bring SS's pants, cup, sliding shorts, jersey, belt, socks and hat home". If she can't get it right after that, then she deserves to drive across town to bring it to him. Heaven forbid she COME TO HIS GAME. She literally had her BF drop off his belt for his game, and she stayed home. L-O-S-E-R!!!

torrieanna03's picture

I could understand it if it was mandetory but both coaches daughters and several others dont ever wear there bow either. This is the first time I have forgotten it and I paid for it so he doesn't get to insult me over it. I can understand the jacket for sure but not a BOW for t-ball. I really do try to have everything together so that my ex and his girlfriend cant complain about anything but it really is impossible. I have another kid to worry about that is 2 and trust me when i say she is a handful.

Ommy's picture

Before BM took off on us she demanded everything they wear be returned to her. She flipped on me once because the hair tie that was in her hair when we picked her up was a yellow one, I returned the girls in purple ones. Yes I got screamed at because of the wrong hair tie. Some people are just unreasonable and have outrageous expectations. Just remember the incident when he forgets something, dont be a bitch or anything thing, just say "wow, doesnt it suck when your forget something, at least it wasnt a hair bow, that is the end of the world". And walk away.