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Where did justsaying09's blog go??

Topmuffin901's picture

So it appears I missed the most of the shit storm. I was trying to read back through her blogs to see what Gave her the inspiration for the LETS BE FRANK blog and it appears to have vanished. Any ideas??


overworkedmom's picture

I was just looking for that one too!!! I did not comment, just because at this point I am feeling that this is either a crew or trailerpark situation again!

Unfreakingreal's picture

She must have deleted it and left. I'll never understand why people get so bent out of shape. Bitch you wanna move in your mans BM into your house? Go right the fuck ahead! Let us know when you come home from work and find her ass wearing your lingerie and making dinner for your man!
That shit is just freaking INSANE. The BM is homeless/ TOO FUCKING BAD! Go to a shelter! Go to welfare! But don't come anywhere near my damn space. Chic was totally cookoo for cocoa puffs.'s picture

I know thats right, if her DH is willing to share a home with BM and his wife I'm sure he's willing to share a bed too.......... :sick: She's trippen

msg1986's picture

I know!!! I just refreshed my page to see more comments and it was gone... Sad

The post seemed to be lighting up like the 4th of July and that was going to be my morning entertainment in between my crazy work schedule. dammit!

JennSunnySideUp's picture

There was like over 100 comments on it. I saw most of it.

Initially she was yelling at most who commented, excepting the ones who agreed with her of course, cursing at them, multiple typos and whatnot. Eventually she stopped responding and the top dogs around here just kind of continued picking at her like is usually done when someone says something crazy or weird.

She probably deleted it and made a new name or left the site altogether.

Willow2010's picture

I really don't understand why it makes so many on this site mad. lol

It would NOT happen in my situation, but more power to her if that is what she wants to do.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I don't think anyone was mad. Curious and confused maybe. It was a noble idea, it really was & I would probably do the same thing for a person in need. Never for the BM and honestly, after seeing the Asian guy who stabbed a family of 5 to death in NY (including 4 children) for giving him a helping hand I'd say "Nah, fuck you, you're on your own."

DaizyDuke's picture

Is this the freak show who(supposedly) moved BM in with her because she was so kind hearted and such a saint thus resulting in a hornier than normal DH? (GAAAAGGGG)

The blog was still there earlier this morning, but was starting to smell of a Crew in my opinion

JennSunnySideUp's picture

I did wonder if it was crew as well. She posted literally EVERY DAY.

Idk about yall, but my life is not yet so shitty that I have to vent it out Every. Single. Day.

Smells a bit fishy.

Topmuffin901's picture

I understand (kind of) where she was coming from trying to help Someone else. I originally commented that she was a better woman than me because there is no way in hell I'd move BM into our shed never mind our home. This site is for people to give their honest opinions, obviously she did not like that part.

JennSunnySideUp's picture

I really don't understand it either except maybe it has to do with mob mentality.

One person sees it, freaks and starts blasting, so the rest do it too instead of keeping their mouth shut if they can't say anything nice or constructive.

I didn't agree with her ideas, just read the post to keep updated how it was going for her. They would say something disagreeing, she would totally freak out, they would keep going and laughing.

Why not just let it go?

DaizyDuke's picture

I think some were calling her out so to speak, because her story was just a wee bit suspiciously over the top. In one of her blogs she talked about hating SS so much, then all of the sudden she loves him so much and wants the best and the best is to move BM into her home. Kinda smells like spoiled tuna to me.

But stranger stories have been true I guess! Wink

JennSunnySideUp's picture

I definitely agree with you on that, I have seen some weird things posted about on here.

itsmylifetoo's picture

I had been following it over the past few days, but had not commented on it because there wasn't anything to add, I didn't think it was a good idea like almost everyone else. I think that she is young...only a few months in to Step-life and still has that idea of "one big happy family" and that if you do "the right thing" everything else would work. Even in my most naïve moment of "everything will work out if I do the right thing" - I would NEVER have placed that kind of strain on my relationship and she didn't handle that feedback well at all. I only have two years under my belt, people don't always tell me what I want to hear, that's part of accountability in my mind. I appreciate the feedback from people who have been seeing the same patterns for years. Even if she had only been lurking around for a short while, she shouldn't have been surprised by the responses...we are all huge on boundaries with BM.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I know multiple people were flagging her as a Crew. She went from "I don't want this kid around" and "BM is a worthless loser" to "LET'S MOVE EVERYONE IN AND BE A BIG HAPPY FAMILY!" :O

Good Riddance. She gave us young 20 somethings a bad name.

JennSunnySideUp's picture


I am only 24 but I think I have done a decent job as a Stepmom. :?

Young people who act like that on this site make me cringe.. they are ALWAYS the ones being crazy.

DaizyDuke's picture

There was a poster here a while back who's name was Crew of five or something of that nature. She created this story about her SD kicking her dog down the stairs and got everyone all upset for her, everyone even changed their avatars to pics of their beloved mutts in support and then "Crew" got a wee bit carried away and her story started unravelling and she got called out.. the whole thing was a lie.

kathc's picture

She got good advice, decided to flip out and start going nutso and then left when people didn't fall in line agreeing that she's awesome. I don't think it was a crew, she was far too crazy. Crew played that shit til the bitter end Wink

Topmuffin901's picture

If she really was a 'crew' that lady had far too much time on her hands. Needs to get herself a job or better yet a life.

Unfreakingreal's picture

OMG Crew's story was the best though. It was me that discovered that the picture she had as her avi wasn't of her dead dog that Sd kicked down the stairs, it was a pic from Google. That's when all hell broke loose! LMFAO! Seriously, the world is full of whackadoodles!

overworkedmom's picture

That day was my most memorable of this site. I was almost in tears over her dog being killed by that child- then we all started donating to humane shelters and everything. AND IT WAS ALL A LIE!! whoa, did her ass get lit up! lol

Unfreakingreal's picture

I know!! Remember how she was set up in a hotel by her daddy so she could drink wine and relax? Hmmmm, hello, didn't your psycho SD just kick your pooch down the stairs? Woah, she had us all eating out of the palm of her hands!

Unfreakingreal's picture

LOL ECHO! I forgot about her peeing on the ring and cutting off the heads of the dolls! Too bad the blogs disappeared they would be so much fun to read right now!

overworkedmom's picture

What was horrible is that while it was "happening" we did believe! I think we are all a little jaded after that one...

ctnmom's picture

So embarrassing I fell for her hook, line , and sinker. And my DH is a writer, I should've known better! lol

askYOURdad's picture

I take it this has been removed? I would LOVE to read it for the sole purpose of entertainment on this gloomy Wednesday!

askYOURdad's picture

eh... don't come for advice and then get mad when you get advice. I usually appreciate all of the advice, a time or two I have seen a comment and thought "nah, that won't really pertain to my particular situation" if I feel the need to clarify sometimes I will, if not, just let it go no need to attack people! When I give advice I truly am trying to help, I tend to think that's the case with the majority of members here. Initially, I think the commenters were trying to help and the OP just got offended... that or perhaps was a fake story, I sort of thought that too.

msg1986's picture

Isn't that the truth?! Why come on a public forum and ask for opinions and then get angry when it's not what you want to hear. I'll never understand that. If you're putting yourself out there then you need to be mature enough to handle what people say, even if it doesn't come across as so nice.

askYOURdad's picture

It's kind of like the whole chick-fil-a thing, you ask the owner of a company that is closed on Sunday because of the owner's Christian views how he feels about gay marriage and then get outraged when he says he doesn't agree with gay marriage? Hello! You come to a forum where every user is here because of the everyday struggles with being a stepparent- marriage struggles, skid issues, money issues and of course BM issues and are surprised when people say they think it's a bad idea to bring BM into your home?

ctnmom's picture

I actually BELIEVE in gay marriage but I still went to "support Chick-fil-a day" , that CEO is as entitled to his opinion as I am! I'm also a devout Catholic but I can't be anti-gay marriage, how can a family be a bad alternative to, say, foster care? Oddly enough, my gay (also Catholic) brother is anti- gay marriage! So funny!

askYOURdad's picture

Everyone has a right to their own opinions, and I agree you can be a Christian and also support gay marriage, it's just the whole point of acting shocked and outraged when someone who is very open about being a Christian takes the position of the church on a social issue.

ThirdsACharm's picture

Well it's one thing to be entitled to his own's another to support anti-gay/hate groups.

Unfreakingreal's picture

hey hey, I curse like a truck driver and I ain't ghetto! LOLOLOL!!!! Well, yeah, maybe a little Bronx.'s picture

I think some people like to say crazy stuff to see how many comments they get sometimes- not all but some. I was thinking crew as well but who knows. Some people are just bat shit crazy Dirol

Shaman29's picture

She refused to listen to the advice that was given to her on her original blog. Most explained moving the BM into her home was a very, very, very bad idea.

She didn't listen, came on here proclaiming she moved BM into her home.

Of course the reaction would be to tell her she was nuts to do so.

She started lashing out.

The (ahem) top dogs had nothing to do with her reaction. She didn't people disagreeing with her decision and she tried to convince those opposed she was right and they were wrong.

Then she became screechy and abusive.

A normal person wouldn't try and justify her decision to a bunch of strangers on a blog. When things got out of hand she should have just stopped responding.

The members here are not responsible for the actions and reactions of a little girl playing like a grown up.

DaizyDuke's picture

Meh, it seems to happen every couple of months or so, some 13 year old gets bored, some religious fanatic arrives, some person doing "research" fabricates a story, or a just plain old wackadoodle dandy with too much time on their hands at the mental facility. Guess it keeps it interesting.

misSTEP's picture

Yeah, I noticed that the blogs were slowly disappearing. Now I think even the user profile is gone.

Topmuffin901's picture

I've not read johnnydeans blog will have to see what I think.

Had no idea she tried to claim that SD killed her dog and used a picture from google to try and prove it. Oh my days that is so many shades of messed up. In the UK we call them trolls (crew).

ctnmom's picture

She wasn't a troll IMO, but maybe a flame thrower? If it was authentic, she's mentally ill. Did Dawn remove her or did she delete?

JennSunnySideUp's picture

She just commented a few minutes ago under my comments. May still be lurking in the area Blum 3

JennSunnySideUp's picture

And she's gone again! Can you take it off and make the name again...??? So weird and time-consuming :?

3LittleDragonflies's picture

The account is gone. She deleted all her blogs then deleted the account.

Good, save our admins some time.

Unfreakingreal's picture

She'll be back. Keep in mind she can always read the posts and not subscribe. There are 89 subscribers online right now with 180 users online. Which means half the people who read our stuff just troll and don't post.

Topmuffin901's picture

Oooohhhh I remember johnnydean now. Lol. I thought it was strange too.

ctnmom's picture

I've been here 3 years, after a particularly horrid episode of DH deserting us on Christmas day to go work out w/ CTBB. (SS36) I think the members here are intelligent and thoughtful. I've disagreed with people from time to time, but that's ok. Hey, it's the internet- it's EASY to flame and piss off people, harder to have a sight like this with the mutual respect we all have! HUGS!!!

ctnmom's picture

p.s. My "stellar" episode was with a poster not too long ago- can't remember her name. Her hubby was a cheater, they had a baby, and he was living in HER house and refusing to leave. I told her to goad him into hitting her and call the cops. ( he had a temper I think). Someone called me "sick". And that's the worst I have ever received here. I told them I respected their viewpoint but stood by my advice.