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Met with SDs counselor

Toastergirl's picture

We met with SDs counselor tonight. She seems caring. She is not yet a licensed LLC, but somewhat close. away from becoming one. She asked DH to sign an agreement stating he will try not to subpoena her to testify. This is reason number 2 why DH should have been the first one to get SD a counselor: hex picked, so if she DOES have to testify and claims there are elements of parental alienation, hex can come back with "but she's not yet licensed". And if he wanted. a counselor to testify in court, SD would have to warm up to having a second one.

See, I saw ALL of this coming. But did DH? Nope. Whatever.

I read all the documentation to the counselor. She had a poker face the entire time. I'm sure she tries her best to remain neutral. I might have come across as TOO strong with the "THIS is what hex does regarding involving SD in adult subjects, this is alienation that I correlate to being wrong and contributes to her outbursts." But overall, I came across as concerned and caring. I did compliment hex. I told the counselor that what I thought is BEST for SD is EQUAL amount of time with both parents, and no alienation. I did cry. I told the counselor I feel overwhelmed with SDs "secrets". She encouraged me to listen But tell her to share these things with the counselor as well. Okay.

We get back to the house and DHs lawyer sent him the email with hex's response to the motion. Hex denies alienating SD from DH, stated DH brings it on himself, and that he has not utilized the parenting coordinator. Hex wants to keep the same GAL we have now (the man who has never met SD). Okayyyy. Lawyer said that is our best bet. Oh, and hex is asking us to pay her lawyer fees and for CS to remain the same as before DH got laid off, as that is his "earning potential".

Honestly? I think we will lose this. I don't want to. I told DH we might as well go all out. If I have to testify, I will. I don't want to. But hell...this is the last shot. I honestly range from caring passionately to not wanting to care and run away every day.


Toastergirl's picture

I just hate hex and I hate watching my SD suffer because her mother is an emotional abuser/

But then I think, "I need to get away from the crazy and just let go."

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Why does your DH agree to a counselor without a license? An LPC is a masters level clinician and this chick does not even have that?
Your SD is exhibiting pathology deep enough to require a very experienced person with a terminal degree.... And even then she will likely grow up to be the same psychopath her mommy is. What's best for her is to be away from her mother. But that cannot be done.

You did not cause it, you cannot cure it and you can't control it. You can control you. Enjoy your life and don't waste your breath.

Toastergirl's picture

Hang on, I double checked with DH and he said she is an LPC-C...I honestly don't know the difference, I apologize...

Im very close to being done. I went to the appointment, I told her what SD was doing...I have done all I can do.

I really don't want to go back to more appointments. DH can if he chooses. I wont let him entertain ideas of me testifying. I wont try and convince myself I can save the day. I am taking DD to SIL's house next time SDs foot crosses over the threshold...

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Take your DD to see her aunt and enjoy the family time. You daughter needs you to be present and emotionally available. If you stay focused on your SD there will be much less energy left for your own kid. I know this from experience. After getting very heavily involved in DH's court case last year i was drained and irritable. It seeped into other relationships. My sons don't need a mother preoccupied with her husband's stuff. They need attention, they need to get first dibs on my time and energy.

Sooner or later i began to resent DH for bringing all this dysfunction into my life.
We got through that period and are stronger for it but memories persist. Protect your sanity and your kid's well-being.
You matter and she matters no less than SD.

kathc's picture

If she's not licensed yet then your SD should be seeing someone else. Would you hire an attorney who hasn't passed the bar and been licensed yet?