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"Generation Snowflake"

thinkthrice's picture

I think they got the term from us long suffering SMs here at Stalk!!


Hennypenny's picture

This is too funny- had an issue today with someone (non step related), and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why this person was reacting the way she was. But this article totally nailed it! Major lightbulb moment for me. Thanks!!!

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Exactly. My SD9 was just like this when she came to live with us. If you looked at her funny, she would dissolve into tears. My DH would get down on her level and give her attention. I put a stop to that. One time, we were swimming at the pool and he was playing with one of the other kids instead of her. She got out of the pool, sat down on the patio and cried. He started to get out to go after her. I told him to just wait that she was just doing it for attention. He waited and what do you know, she jumped up and came back to swim.

She has been living with us for a year and this has stopped completely. We refused to acknowledge it and told her that unless someone is really hurting her or bullying her, then she needs to get over it.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture


Just54321's picture

So spot on!! This is exactly what's going on with todays youth!!

SD15 actually asked DH to go into a pizzeria with her to get a job application and when he said no you need to go yourself she refused. OMG if you need daddy told hold your hand to go get a piece of paper how in the world would you actually be able to interact with customers?? Oh that's don't know how to speak to other human beings, you would have to text them to ask their order.

whoaminow's picture

I just sent this article with a nice note to my DH about how this is exactly SD17!! I'm sure it will piss him off but oh well don't care anymore.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

IMHO, this is the beginning of the Entitlement phase. And I doubt they will grow out of that until they're in their 40-50s. MAYBE.