Thetis's Blog
Honest Opinions?
How would you feel if your SO decided to spend an extra evening a week with his/her kid(s) doing an activity you can not participate in?
(I'll give more info on this later but I'm wondering about the general feelings on this one)
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Completely OT- But I want to rant!
Has anyone noticed that you can no longer find anything with just ONE disney princess on it? I have been searching everywhere for Little Mermaid stuff and all I have found was a comforter. However if I wanted the Princesses I could have wall stickers, curtains, beds, wall paper, jewellry boxes, alarm clocks, ect.
My SD just adores the little mermaid and since we are moving into our new house I want to give her a little mermaid bed room. But appearently I'm going to have to paint it myself!!!!
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OT- Are we all getting alittle cranky or what?
I have noticed today alot of posters, who post often, getting pretty short of temper with eachother.
Is this another one of the site cycles? I have found myself replying in not so nice manners, that I usually don't. Whats going on ladies???
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Violence Contract
Dear Dh,
You know how much this topic is driving me insane so I hope to be able to draw up a contract on how we will deal with violence between Sd and Biobaby if it is too occur. With this contract I can put aside my fears and know that we have a plan in place to deal with this situation if it happens.
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OK guys, I'm heartsick with worry about this one. Does anyone have any good stories about how the skids acted when they came for their visit and they had a baby brother/sister?
I go for my ultrasound tomorrow but I can't help but worry about everything ahead of us. Munchkin has already said and done a few things to make me think she is not going to be happy when this baby comes and she has to share her dad.
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My (not so) Fun Friday!
Yay I'm going to a Passion Party with all my girlfriends!!! What could go wrong?
Ohhh man....
So I find out about the hair dye, and freak out. Then Dh shows up with no Munchkin. He had forgot to call. Well its a good thing because BM forgot to tell him that Munchkin has a Bday party to go to.
Bm: "Can you drop off Munchkin before the party then pick her up after? I'll be there with her since it's my neice's party."
DH: "Well maybe you should keep her for Saturday so she doesn't get confused?"
ME (in the background): Wtf Confused???
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Pink hair *Warning, I'm Pissed!*
*Warning* I'm quite irrate and not all of this is what I actually feel I'm just mad *Warning*
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Life is fair, and RL friends are always a bonus!
So this friday I get to go to a "Just the girls" Passion party, with $60 of Dhs hard earned money... and I'm not sure how much of mine yet. He gets to stay home with SD.
Hmmm sexy toys for me and "family time" for him. Yay! Can't wait for this weekend!
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~~<~@ To the women who make this site amazing!
I could sit here and try to make a list of everyone who has helped me on this site, however my memory is terrible right now and I don't want to forget anyone.
So if someone on this site has helped you see the reason behind the madness, or the little pleasures through the pain give a shout out!
Middlemom, BitchBitchBarbie, TheWife, Stick, and many more!
Thank you, for just being you!
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Kinda OT Inlaw drama... how its affecting MY parents.
So last time my dad was in town he and mom took me and Dh out for wings. We had a blast, dh just idolizes my dad and loves my mom (so do I)! But half way through the night FIL walked into the little legion where we were. I think he saw the message I left for dh at work, because he never goes out anymore. He met a couple friends and sat down fairly close to us. He never said a single word to us the whole night.