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The Rest of the Weekend (long)

the_stepmonster's picture

After DH rescued the girls from their drunken useless mother, DH and I had to figure out what to do with them. DH had made plans to work on Saturday while I ran errands. We decided it would be best to go about our scheduled plans since he had deadlines he needed to meet and I had already put off our errands for several weeks since we had the girls two weekends in a row before this weekend. We called a sitter, I made the girls breakfast and DH and I let them know that their sitter was coming to take care of them for a couple of hours. You would have thought we were abusing them in the worst way. SD9 kept going up to her "daddy" and asking why she couldn't go with him to the office. She was literally begging him to go with him. This was 9am and DH planned to come home by 1pm. Not to mention we weren't even suppose to have them this weekend. Thankfully he was firm with her (well firm by his standards is saying "Oh I'm sooo sorry sweetie, but I am going to a client and I have staff there. If I was just going to work by myself I would let you come but I can't today...") and she stayed with her sisters and the sitter.

When we returned, I could tell we made a serious error by not establishing a schedule for the weekend. DH had more work to do but planned on finishing at home. Meanwhile my sciatica was acting up and I was trying to rest from over straining myself. I asked him to please make sure they used indoor voices so I could take a nap. This shouldn't be too difficult since they have a game room on the second floor with two tvs, a Wii, a Kinect, a laptop and their iWhatevers. Of course, once I was in my room, all chaos breaks out and they are screaming, running up and down, yelling "daddydaddydaddydaddy" every 5 seconds, trying to get him to buy them stuff. I sent him a text to please quiet it down. I understand they are children, but ages 9 and 11 are well old enough to not yell inside the house. Trust me. It was ridiculous. They are quiet for about half a second before the raucous starts up again and I realize I will not be getting any rest.

I got up and started doing more things on my to do list, namely some projects that I volunteered to do for my baby shower. They are both all over me asking to help, so I let them. They continue to yell for either my or DH's attention. Eventually DH asks me what I want to do about dinner. Again, we didn't plan on feeding 5 people this weekend so we had no meal options in our fridge. Our options at this point were to order in or one of us go to the grocery store. However, before I can answer, both children start yelling out their requests for dinner "Oh get Dominoes and get the cheesy bread!!!" "No Daddy! Get Pizza Hut so I can have the wings!!!!" OMG. I have told DH so many times he needs to tell them to keep their traps shut when the adults are speaking but he continues to ask me questions right in front of them. This over-the-top overwhelming continued into the night until I finally took a drive by myself to clear my head.

When I came back, DH quieted them down and I went to bed. When he finished putting them to bed he came in and told me "Don't worry. We will never go for custody because you clearly don't like them and this isn't a good way for them to be raised either." At this point we were both fed up and had a heated discussion on how his children have no boundaries and how he refuses to parent them vs. how I don't know what it's like to be a divorced parent and how he feels bad for giving them such a shitty mother. His solution was for him and his kids to just go away for the weekend when he has them so I don't have to deal with him, which I pointed out is not parenting, its just rewarding them for their crazy behavior. We went to bed shortly after it was apparent we were not going to come to an agreement.

On Sunday, we both apologized and made a schedule (including meals) for the day and it went much better. We decided that at the very least we should try and make it to the Super Bowl party we had planned to go to all week long and that he would take his kids back to BM around 3pm vs. the usual time of 5pm. The kids complained that they were getting gypped out of 2 hours when the time came, but at this point we had them for 3 weekends in a row and are scheduled to have them again next weekend. Even DH had had his fill and promptly packed them up and took them back.

I imagine their behavior is the result of both being able to get away with murder with DH and the unstable environment their mother is providing. People always say "You knew what you were getting into." I would like to say to those people "No, actually I had no idea that BM would turn into a raging alcoholic, thereby damaging the mental health of her children." Or even "No, I did not know that DH would become an even worse guilty daddy should BM royally screw up." Or "No, I did not know that we would be pursuing a custody battle less than a year after saying I do." I think step one after getting these kids out of that house should be therapy for EVERYONE.


DeeDeeTX's picture

Well, of course you dont like them. Who likes whiny, bratty, rude, attention seeking, loud, preteens.

I would make it pretty clear to DH that you are not NATURALLY going to like them, but if he parents them and they start acting like normal human beings you WILL like them.

I definitely think there is hope if you get custoday as I have been following your blogs, and it doesnt sound like any of the kids have serious mental issues or whatever. Just a lot of acting up due to permissive dad and alcoholic mom....

But I bet if you (and by you, I mean DH and you) started to set boundaries and rigorously enforce them, they'd be well behaved and well adjusted in no time.

the_stepmonster's picture

I agree. They are not bad kids, they are just attention-deprived and are used to having "daddy" do everything for them. I am sure if I had been a fly on the wall before we got engaged and saw them all out together I would have run (flown?) the other direction. DH feels so guilty about BM's shitty parenting that he doesn't enforce any rules or boundaries. I honestly think that if we do get custody, these issues will resolve themselves because they will have a more stable environment and routine and structure. Right now they have zero structure at either house because DH feels too badly for them to even make them use an indoor voice.

On Sunday I decided I wasn't going to wait another week to do my deep cleaning (I'm pretty sure I am nesting at this point and the state of the house had been bothering me for a while). I told the kids that for the next 2 hours I was going to be cleaning and that unless they wanted to help, they needed to stay upstairs and play. Whenever they came down to ask DH a question, I made them do a chore until they figured out I wasn't kidding. Eventually SD9 came down and volunteered to help me clean (which was actually really sweet). The whole afternoon just proved that having a schedule/routine is much better for everyone and we just need to keep it up.

gijimenez5's picture

I really feel for your situation. I think your DH submits to your SD because of guilt which isn't right to you. He should appreciate the fact that even though it was not your weekend you still accepted them in your house. I hate when people say well you married him knowing he had kids. Only people who have not walked in our shoes would say that. You can't control who you love, and when you love you think everything is minor and love will see it thru.

bearcub25's picture

That is my SOs excuse....he feels bad for giving them a shitty mother.

Or as he blurted out during an arguement we had one nite....I didn't want more kids after OSS but she quit taking birth control.

That doesn't cut it. BM was a POS for the 6 years OSS was an only child, if he didn't want more kids, then he shoulda done something about it.

DeeDeeTX's picture

WHAAAA WHAAAA....I knew she was a mentally unstable psycho who I should not reproduce with, but I *HAD* to have sex with her, and it was *HER* fault for not taking the birth control....WHHAAAAA...

the_stepmonster's picture

I actually may have gone to far during our argument Saturday night by telling DH that he must find terrible mothers sexy to reproduce with her so many times.

DeeDeeTX's picture

LOL, I have said something similar to my husband. He got really offended and then said something like, "She wasn't always that way."

I replied, "Which is more likely? That a normal, stable personality suddenly went whackadoodle, or you had blinders on and saw what you wanted to see?"

He did not like that.