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Sylviaxcx's Blog

How do I explain I’m not financially responsible for SD?

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Long story short - my partner and I have full custody of his 14 year old daughter for the last 5 years. BM has never paid a cent in child support & when I bring it up partner gets upset, because BM is very unstable & not in SD life due to trauma, drugs... so she pulls the pity card and he falls for it.



Am I a stepmom being played?

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What do you guys think about the fact that I'm on maternity leave, we have a 9 month old baby and my partner still expects me to pay half of all the bills and rent (which I have been even though I have no income) ... even though our rent is thankfully cheap.


but here's the kicker, he has a 14 year old daughter (my SD) who we have full custody of, and he does not get child support from BM... when I asked him can she start supporting now that I'm on mat leave, he said he's not going to make her pay anything because moms don't pay child support.


SD’s bm not involved at all and doesn’t pay a cent!

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Ugh I'm just so frustrated I just need to rant. I have a 7 month old baby and I've been with my partner for 6 years. He has a 13 year old daughter. BM isn't involved, has been in & out of rehab & now that she's been out for 5 months with a new place and stable job, even though she only lives 15 minutes away in the same TOWN... she's spent time with SD literally maybe 5 times. My heart breaks for this kid & everyone in the family pities BM bc her mother was an addict and therefor it's not her fault she's an absolute mess.


Teenage SD acts like a baby!!!

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Where do I even begin... SD is 14 in HIGHSCHOOL & not only can she not pick up after herself, she cannot flush the toilet to save her life... like we're talking a log sitting there at least 4-5x a week, not a casual forgetting moment. She leaves garbage and dishes everywhere she goes, on the floor.. on the couch, all over the counter - right after I've spent hours trying to keep this house clean for ALL of us.
