DH and the Summer Trip.
In my previous blogs I have mentioned about the Summer Trip DH wants to do. I'm treating it just like an extended family do. It's a big event, we will only be two people in a big crowd and DH has said he needs my support through this, so I guess this is when the " for better, for worse .... " bit comes into play.
Really I am just going with him to this two hour show to be by his side, it is one TINY part of our trip, so it's doable ......
Anyway, since that talk about five weeks ago, DH has done nothing about this trip, and I am really NOT stepping in to organise it for him. and once, since then he has said " oh I must ring sd22 and get the details etc," he hasn't been officially invited by her, but then I guess she wouldn't think to do that.
I do not mention it, obviously, and just nodded agreement when he said the above. The point I'm trying to make is, why, if this is so so important to him to attend why is he doing nothing about it ?? Not that I'm really bothered, because the longer he leaves it, the harder it will be to book flights, find accomodation near the event, etc. Which means probably less time in sd22's company and, of course, the extended crazy of BM, etc !! So a win, win situation for me anyway !!
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I see your point Foxie, but
I see your point Foxie, but I'm not going to care a toss if he does say that to me !! I'll be too busy celebrating the sad news about not going !!
It's not a trip with adult
It's not a trip with adult skids, no way, I'm done with those. Thisis a trip to the country where the skids live and where BM and the crazy lives too. A few hours for the event, one day in that particular area of the country and then rest of the holiday will be DH and I.
Already, had the talk earlier on about this, DH knows this one is up to him to organise, I made that very clear. Not in an overly nasty way, just made sure he knew, this is the event he wants to attend, he must do all the arranging ( which translates to contact sd22 and work it all out !!)