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Legal Appt for Help

Sweetie's picture

I had my appointment today with the attorney and my husband accompanied me. It was really odd, that this was the first time, that things were on the opposite foot, that I was the one with the problem with is ex. The attorney was quite nice, but there is really not much to be done, but fortunately for me, the ex, is not legally savvy, so I am hopeful she is dumb enough to fall for the letter. We took care of business and then stopped off for an ice cream before coming home. I supposed by the end of next week, the old witch will be flying on her broom, somewhere. I've already had to change my phone number once, already.
We've been doing some work outdoors and I bought some paint again to paint the wood for the new crawl space door and the back of the fencing. The potted lantanas are doing well, but with the intense heat and sun, are going limp pretty fast, even with lots of water. I have a couple of tomato plants to put into large pots with cages tomorrow morning and then after that, I'm off to get the oil changed in my husband's truck. My Mom called after she got my letter briefly explaining the problem with my SD. She had called midweek and I hadn't mentioned it. I told her this time, I hadn't bothered her because I took care of my own problems and there really wasn't anything she could do to help me and there wasn't any need for her to get upset as well. If my husband could have crawled through the telephone cord last weekend and strangled his ex and my SD, he would have. And, at least, that makes me feel a letter better, even though my name is absolute mud on the internet and people probably think I use a pool cue somewhere. It's just not even funny. The town where I live has only about 2500 people, and what's on the internet is absolute gospel to some of these people. I could just cry. I still think I was standing in the wrong line somewhere. ):
Tomorrow I am hoping for a nice quiet morning and maybe lunch in town and then coming home driving my husband's big red truck. Hopefully, I'll be anonymous. Hope everyone else had a great day.