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Tired of Being Stepmom

Peanut66's picture

I have been with my husband for 6 years now and have taken care if his boys now ages 14 and 16 from day one. My husband works 12 hour days all week and has no involvement in his boys lives. Over the past year my 16 yr old stepson has been smoking pot in our house and has no regard for others including my 13 yr old daughter and 17 yr old son who also live with us. When I tell my husband about it he tells me not to bother him at work with our problems. I moved out for a couple of weeks because my husband said "so what you have to smell a little pot." I moved back hoping things had changed but they have not. Now my stepson has his license. He takes the car my husband bought me everyday and doesn't return until well after midnight. I know he is doing drugs in my car because he leaves the windows down all night and there is a faint smell. My husband lets his son do whatever he wants. whenever he wants to. I have tried disciplining him by turning his phone off which only made matters worse for me as this really made his father angry at me. His son refuses to eat whatever I cook and has his father buy him food from somewhere. I am at my wits end and don't want this anymore. What would you do?


not your momma's picture

You left once and came back hoping it would be better. It isn't. So why are you torturing yourself and allowing yourself and your kids to live in this way. I'm so sorry, but my advice is to leave...

stepmonster_2011's picture

1. call the cops next time he's smoking pot in the house.

2. pack up and get the eff out of dodge. crikey.

HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like DH doesn't much care about his children and where they're heading. Not to mention he doesn't seem to care that your children are being subjected to his children's behavior especially with using drugs. Your DH has no respect for you either.

They are not your children as much as you do care about what is happening to them. Your ONLY responsibility is to YOUR children and YOURSELF.

I'd be ending my marriage if I thought my children were in jeopardy. I wish you the best. Hang in there!