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Shit head kids don't have to be just children of divorce

Sweet T's picture

OMG I just got home from picking BS6 up from his after school program. Since it is the first non freezing day in weeks the kids were playing outside. We had to go in and get the rest of BS's stuff and when we were heading out there was a boy was a boy who had gotten away from the rest and was throwing huge chunks of snow at my car. I called out to him beause teachers back was to him ( she must not have seen him) and told him to stop throwing snow at my car. The difiant asshole picked up another basketball size chunk (probably contained ice too) and was going to throw that again. Teacher turned to talk with him and when I told him a 2nd time not to do it started making mocking faces at me. I snapped at him and don't you stand there and roll your eyes at me.

I apologized to teacher if I was overstepping but I was not letting him do that to me or my car. She asked him if he needed another time out today. WTH school had only been out 45 minutes.


KiFire's picture

I have students like that, and they do not have divorced parents, they have idiot parents.

zerostepdrama's picture

Ugh I hate bratty kids. I always put them in their place. I am awful... I know... but if I am not going to put up with that from my own, def. not someone else's. LOL

Sweet T's picture

I think it is just plain old lazy parenting. Believe me there are moments when I am exhausted & BS 6 is testing me that it would be easier to just give in... but I don't. I come back with the same answer, louder and more stern. I have actually told him I do not negotiate, period.

BS told me that particular kindergartener is the worst kid in the after school program and I believe it.