Man my ex has big balls
So this weekend was BS's 8th birthday. Per the decree birthdays are shared, but to what extent it diesn't say. So the good thing is the way our schedule is it will be 7 more years till BS's birthday falls on his weekend. Last year the 3 of us were able to go out to dinner together, of course last year he was trying to date me and other women so he was much nicer to me.
I graciously allowed him to take BS on my Friday night to a ball game and stay over night and he promised he would have him home by 10 am and that he would stay out of my hair the rest of the weekend. He could not behave around my parents prior to the divorce and still speaks crap about them now so there is no way he could be at any birthday party with them. Historically a lot of his bad behavior has occurred infront of my parents ( almost like he was daring anyone to challange him).
So Friday he comes to get BS after work and my boyfriend was there and was parked in my drive way. When ex came to the door I know he could see BF in my kitchen. I figured that I would probably need to intro duce them but ex was standing so far away from the door enterance it was kind of comical and in a hurry to leave.
Saturday is when the fun started. On less than 5 minutes he managed all this while dropping BS off.
1.He is hurt that I am having a family birthday party and he is not invited... I said I really didn't think that you would want to attend a party with my family. He said he would if he could bring his girlfriend.... who I have never met and was sitting in the car.
2. He told me GF bought a house and he is moving in with her. He mad a big deal to tell me how old she is and that the reason she doesn't have kids is that she was never blessed with any and that she likes kids. ( well she better because she will be having his lazy ass move in and his 3 kids EOW...every 43 year old childless womans dream)
3. His fridge broke so his milk was curdles so he fed BS from the gas station on the way there ( SS17 says it was the same carton of milk since he moved in. He only goes to his apartment when he has the kids otherwise he is living at the GF's apartment)
3.He made fun of the mud flap girls on my BF's truck. Said I really must have changed as I would never have let him have those. Said I really must have changed... then said he knws he has because he doesn't get angry any more. ( My BF is a truck driver and is very much the rock and roll red ever he is sweet and kind and respectful to me. He also has a skull license plate holder. I could care less about these things after everything I have been through with the crazy ex.
4. He started joking with my son about the big dent in my 2006 honda accord as we started to walk out as we had errands to run. There is no dent he was pretending like he was going to kick one in it. The funny thing is he has ahuge one on his 2014 cruz that he couldn't afford the 500 deductable and pissed away the insurance money and never got it fix. I said hey it is old but it is paid for. He started bitching about why did I get the car that was paid off in the divorce. One, I paid the down payment and every fing car payment. Two his durango he bought by himself when I was unemployed and then got rid of it during the divorce process and bought the car he has now. He is so good with money :).
Oh and he bitched to BS8 that he had been replaced. For pete's sake the asshole had 9 girlfriends in the last year, I have been with the same man for a year next month and he has rubbed everyone of these women in my face.
So the thing that will suck about him freeloading off of this woman is he will have more money at his disposal so I hope he doesn't get all litigious. Man do I feel sorry for her... well except for the fact he has told horrible lies about me so I am oretty sure if we every meet she will be a bitch to me.
So on Sunday we had the family party and it was my parents. my aunt, my BF and his mom and brother and BM1 and her fiancee his 2 kids and my oldest stepson. My family loves BM and her fiance and his kids...we had a blast. Pretty sure ex and his GF would have been uncomfortable :).
- Sweet T's blog
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I do have BS ready to go and
I do have BS ready to go and I do not engage. This was all a one way conversation for the most part. I am afraid of him and his unpredictable behavior more than anything. As much as you can try and wrangle an 8 year old boy sometimes he doesn't move quickly enough and it leaves a window for ex to run his mouth. Trust me my replies were few and always are.
I wish there was away to
I wish there was away to warn that poor woman about what she's inviting into her home.
BM and I have discussed it
BM and I have discussed it and we think it would back fire.
Because she can't have kids we think this might work. He needs to be the center of your attention and not have any $$$ funds diverted away from him. SHe has a good job, thinks he is awesome and they only have the kids 2 weekends a month. As long as she doesn't push him for more time with BS so she can play mommy we should be good.
I agree. Ex has started
I agree. Ex has started coming to the door and ringing the bell.AT his place he has to walk BS down stairs out of the apartment building he lives in. It is better than the last joint but still nasty. I do not want my son wandering out by himself.
Trust me he will never be done with me. His need to punish me for holding him accountable for his abuse is something he will never get over. I am done with him and just wish he would not feel the need to share details... he has diarrehea mouth and won't shut up about things.
My useage of the BF & the GF in my post is just me telling the facts of the story. It is no different than when others report a story and refer to BM or her husband.
It is interesting though I wonder how many people actually meet their exes new person. If your boyfriend is two feet away is the polite thing to do introduce them? When ex and I were dating he introduced me to BM and because the kids were with us every day and because of their activities I had a lot of interaction with her...that is how we ended up 9 years later being friends.
Believe me my ex wanted me to hate her and told lies and twisted stories. I think a lot of women on here are victim of that same circimstance.
You're right that a lot of
You're right that a lot of people lie and make their ex out to be a villain. Sometimes it's the truth. Mostly it's not. If you believe my ex, I have slept with everyone in my state, (sorry ladies from MI, I've slept with your DH's
), I tried to kill him with a knife and said if I couldn't kill him that I would kill myself and I did it in front of DD when she was 4, I am not over him, I am hung up on him, I bother him and won't leave him alone. 15 years of NO contact outside of a court other than the contact that HE initiated by showing up at my door uninvited and unannounced multiple times, and he has been known to show up on the doorsteps of my relatives and invite himself in as well. But yep. I'm not over him and I bother him all the time. Also, I'm a lunatic that tries to kill people with knives in front of little kids. Idiot. I do wonder if any of his gf's ever wondered why they never saw or heard anything out of me if I was such a hung up stalker.
LOL bi - does your ex
LOL bi - does your ex co-reside in OH? Cos mine says the same things! Even the knife thing and apparently threatening to kill myself in front of my son! Is there a book on what to say somewhere they read?!