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Moved Out

leighanne's picture

Yes, I did it. I moved out of the house away from ss and dh. I have my own place with my bs 6. We both are alot happier. No more walking on eggshells around difiant ss15, no more looking at dh. My nerves are healing and bs6 has a much better personalty. Not as stressed.


leighanne's picture

Thank you Smile I'm so glad that I did it. Dh misses us but I do not want to go back. I've been out for 2 and half weeks now. I have no regrets.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Yay!!! Im so glad you are doung so good!! Peace of mind can certainly be priceless!!! You really seem happy. I know it has to suck to not have DH living with you, but perhaps him missing you will make him realize things have to change or he may loose you forever. Sometimes men dont get it until theyre put into it!!

Concentrate on you & your kid and have fun!!! Smile

Andyandme's picture

So happy for you.. You seem very stress free and that's the way to live everyday
It only gets better;) enjoy being happy with just you and your boy.

StarStuff's picture

Good for you! I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself and doing what's best for you and your child! Man, it's nice to breathe the fresh air, isn't it?