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Ex ettiquite

Sweet T's picture

Ettiquite questions:

Do you think if the custodial parent emails or texts you school information you should acknowledge receipt of the information?

If you are at a school event should you completely ignore the existence of the other person or at least acknowledge them with a nod?

What is the civilized polite way to behave?


witch.hazel's picture

Yes, I think a simple "Thank you" is a good response to the other party sending info about school, etc. Even if the ex has behaved like a lunatic in the past, the sane party can reinforce normal behavior (like sending info about school) by saying thanks. Especially if they ignore any communication that is not sane, necessary, and productive.

It seems more weird to completely ignore each other at social events than to acknowledge the person with a simple nod or hello. Totally ignoring the other person seems desperate to prove a point or cowardly.

ESMOD's picture

Number One.

If it's regular communication and there typically hasn't been missed items... an acknowledgment for everything might be a bit much. But, a "thanks.. got it" would not be out of line.

Number Two..

I see no reason to seek the other parent out in a large gathering. But,f you happen to see the other person.. a nod or a hello is fine. I don't think you need to sit with them and talk about the

DaizyDuke's picture

Do you think if the custodial parent emails or texts you school information you should acknowledge receipt of the information? That would be the proper business like thing to do. But if you don't get along with someone then you probably don't acknowledge. I don't always acknowledge every single email that I get at work and neither do my colleagues (friendly terms or not)

If you are at a school event should you completely ignore the existence of the other person or at least acknowledge them with a nod? What's in a nod? I'd honestly just rather be ignored than a nod or some uncomfortable, forced conversation. But that's just me. And is that "proper" etiquette? probably not, but not everyone knows proper etiquette.

kpaige's picture

I very much so dislike my DH ex wife. She is a facebook mom through and through and semi crazy. However we sit beside her at the kids sporting events, both my DH and I text her important information about the children's school, etc. I don't enjoy doing it but it is good for my DH and his children to see that we get along as best as we can. So I believe brief responses and a Hello how are you aren't good for the ex but just good for the child to see how adults should act.

zerostepdrama's picture

Depends on the situation and the people involved.

The few times I have been around BM and DH it's been 50/50 on if they acknowledge each other. Ex and I always acknowledge each other but we get along.

Is it polite to respond to a text with "thank you" upon receiving information, yes. If it's not done is it really a big deal? NO. If I am the sender I will think, okay information sent, I did my part and I'm done.

momjeans's picture

1) I think it’s the polite thing to do, but also okay if it’s not. It truly depends on the subject matter, and if there’s also a problem already with too much communication. For some custodial parents, this is just another avenue of trying to remain enmeshed with the non-custodial parent over every...little...detail. If the non-custodial parent is capable of simply and consistently responding with just “Thanks”, then I don’t see a problem with it.

2) Meh. I think this is a very broad inquiry. I think it really depends on the dynamics between the two parents. For my DH, the last thing he wanted was for BM to acknowledge his presence, because it never turned-out well. High conflict BM just used DH’s presence to stir-up drama, drawing unfavorable attention to not only her, but him.

Thumper's picture

Good manners do not stop no matter what the circumstances. BUT I believe there are always exceptions to rules.

A THANK YOU, upon receipt of expected email. IF unwanted or intrusive, NO reply is necessary. Blocking is the only way to end it.

NO you-hoo is necessary from yards away. Ignoring someone you obviously know is RUDE no matter who it is. A nod is acceptable.
DH's kids would ignored him at events but hoot it up with bm. TEENS doing this... It was very sad. He stopped going.

Snowflake's picture

An ex-romantic relationship, even when there are kids involved, is a unique relationship. Let's face it, there is usually animosity at the end of that relationship.

A civilized way to act, is to remember that it is about the children. Their other parent owes you nothing. If I didn't get a response, I wouldn't take it personally. I would realize that the purpose of the communication was about the child, and would expect nothing back from someone who most likely doesn't like me.

I also wouldn't expect nor care if my ex acknowledged me or not, as long as they were at the event.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

"An ex-romantic relationship, even when there are kids involved, is a unique relationship. Let's face it, there is usually animosity at the end of that relationship."

Normally for good reason... People don't normally just divorce unless something was wrong or someone did something unforgiveable....

Coco72's picture

FH has stopped texting "thank you" when he gets information, when he did she would then respond things like "you are so very welcome, see I'm not as horrible as you think", or "of course, you will always be his dad, just like I will always be his mom". It is totally passive/aggressive and beyond irritating. We try and limit all communication to just emergencies, or pick up/drop off, but her idea of an emergency and ours is VERY different, and we can always tell when she wants to talk about something because out of the blue she will text "are we still meeting at XXXXX at 5 pm for drop off?". That is the normal spot, normal time, normal day, she just wants to start a conversation because as soon as FH responds with "yes" it opens the door, we get the "thank you, just wanted to make sure, I've been so forgetful lately because my foot has been hurting and the doctor is giving me new meds that make me tired......blah, blah, blah", when he doesn't respond we get the "oh sorry I bothered you, I forgot you don't care about the mother of your son (her FAVORITE title)".

We all have iPhones, his read receipts are on, she can see that he got her message.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

She sounds um.... "Pleasant...."

Of course that's her favorite title, she sounds like a narc who probably isn't overly happy that anyone could possibly move past her perfect self! He obviously needs to be reminded that the child is part hers to remind him that he was once with her crazy a$$! THAT way she keeps him from moving past! Because obviously he'll totally be into her if she does that!

secret's picture

I like how my DH responds with "k." to BM's relevant texts.

DH went to a school thing a while back and BM showed up. Apparently they were in close enough proximity for BM to take a pic of DH and SS with Dh's phone. I wasn't pleased. DH understands (now) that he doesn't get to be familiar with BM just because she's BM. If he doesn't get up close and personal with other exes, he shouldn't expect me to grant her a pass to be.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I could totally get behind the "K" response. Unfortunatly DH is this empathetic (unless you ask him, then he's totally ALL logic, LMAO) creature that feels bad that she f***ed up her life so bad... I however have ZERO sympathy, she used the kids as pawns, dodges responsibility, and hurts people. She deserves to trip and fall. Really far, preferably by something steep... Or bottomless.... Maybe she'd learn her lesson...

Sweet T's picture

See I am the kind of person who will respond back with an ok, and would nod to acknowledge. My ex is all over the place and much like when we were married blows hot and cold. During baseball he asked if we could be civil and not ignore each other and for me to not make his wife feel ostracized by the other moms.

We were all very decent and I actually like his wife. When it was over he was back to ignoring except for when he wants something or is concerned what others might think.

Personally I conduct my self in a manner that is kind ( to his wife) and respectful. He is the one who abused me, but like most mentally ill, he is always the wronged.

I only communicate about our son and I dread when I have to. But I try and do the right thing always... I love my kid more than I dislike his dad.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

His wife might be a bit upset, and it's not even something you did LOL. So don't worry.

Before BM started false gossiping and telling every parent at softball how awful I was... Just the fact she showed up once kicked me out of this weird "mom's club" thing that was going on. Before she ever showed up to something, they all chatted with me, joked around, etc. She showed up once, didn't even talk to any of them, and BOOM instance shunning, only two would talk to me after that, then only a stepdad after BM started her gossip. By the end of the season they approached me and told me SD9 was much better since I came into her life and that they were sorry (I think the truth started dawning on them... Plus all the kids on the team LOVED me, lol)

But since you seem sane, his wife might be flipping out at him about the other moms shunning her and he might just be projecting it onto being your issue, even though it's not. If I made any sense there. LMAO

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

In a prefect co-parent relationship yeah.

But reality is, it's not going to happen.

That's why I LOVE SO's parenting app. It shows if BM has read his messages or not so there is no "I didn't see it."

Now as for school personally I feel both parents should be responsible and involved enough that they don't NEED the other one to tell them something. I keep up with the school event's for SO. It's easy because they are posted online. We don't need BM to tell us anything and we don't trust she will. It's about being proactive.

SO has the kids every other weekend so at each pickup he'll talk to the little one's teacher to remain informed on how he's doing in school. If there's something we need to know for the older one we find her teacher before we leave also.

justmakingthebest's picture

What parenting app do you use? I don't think we are to the level of OFW, but BM will go weeks without responding from multiple e-mails, texts, etc. They all have something to do with medical she isn't telling him about, travel plans (out of state to visit us) or something else of true importance. It gets very frustrating! She has an iphone but turned off the function to show if she has read a text.

Maxwell09's picture

If she is agreeable, then yes you should respond with a simple “thanks”. If she is arguable, then no.

Should you acknowledge then her? If she is friendly, yes say “hey;” if she isn’t then don’t.

Acratopotes's picture

Depends on your level of hate/disengagement lol

I have no issue greeting the Ex at any sort of function, not even with all the hell her and her daughter put me through, If I bump into Deigma's bio I greet and we exchange pleasantries.....

I was raised with you greet, say please and thank you...... and to respect all people, whether you like them or not, you do those 3 things.
These people have no influence over my life, they mean nothing to me, thus I have no issue being polite..

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Depends on YOU (NCP). If you(NCP) have the manners of a cretin then sure, dont say "thank you, got it, K." Whatever

If I am dealing with a difficult person I set up my email options so that I get a "delivery receipt" and a receipt for when the recipient opens the email. Then I dont need to wait on someone to acknowledge or respond. It is an automatic process and can be used as proof. Then I dont need to know if the person has the manners of a cretin or not.

I would think it proper to at least acknowledge someone with a nod in the case of ex's. However some people are small minded and you get what you get.

Its important not to base your long term thinking on these people. They tend to ignore you today and lavish you with praise the next, then go straight back to ignoring you. Choose your own behaviour and go with that. Let your behaviour reflect who you are, and not be in reaction to dealing with human wanna-be trash.