It's Halloween!! The "petty" blog got me thinking...
My steps are all adults now (woooo-hoooo!) and my bios are teens, so this isn't so exciting for me anymore.
For who-knows-what-reason, for years, BM was all about drama on these stupid, pseudo-holidays. When SD was little, she was with us one day a week and EOWe. Heaven forbid that one day landed on a "special" day. BM went all out making sure it was a nightmare for us!
BM and SD lived about 45 minutes away (without traffic) and I would always pick her up from school (I was SAHM.) One Halloween, about 4 years after we were married, I went to pick her up from school on Halloween. I had the day all planned out with her and the bios... an event at a local shopping area, trick or treating event at the local mall, and then a neighborhood thing.
Show up, SD isn't at school. WTF? BM had her mother (because she was at work) pick SD up EARLY from school JUST to make sure I couldn't get her. Being "just a SM," the school wouldn't tell me where she was, and of course, BM wouldn't answer XH's calls. I was freaking out for an hour before I finally learned what happened, AND I got to do this with a preschooler and infant in the car! All excited about Halloween, dressed up, and stuck an hour from home wondering WTF SD was.
BM had GM take SD out for a snack, to the mall, whatever. She finally told XH that the CO said "evening," so she would turn SD over at 7. Oh, and she had to be home at 8.
Why, why, WHY??? BM wasn't even spending the time with her kid, because she was at work. Why did she choose to screw up the day for everyone, including the kids? What is there to gain? Oh, that's right. Nothing. Nothing except being a petty bitch because she could.
The "BM is being petty" blog brought up old memories for me... And going into the holidays, I am always reminded of all the dumb shit we went through...just because BM "could." Then custody changed, and it was sooooo tempting to dish it right back...
Anyway, anyone else have a "BM being a bitch on Halloween" story to share?
- StickAFork's blog
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I'm afraid nothing exciting
I'm afraid nothing exciting (that everyone here hasn't experienced some variation of with BM- thinking she should have skids, buying costumes and not wanting to share, etc......etc.....) BUT I have a little "funny":
My spiritual path and religion is one of an earth-based nature; I am Wiccan. BM of course understands nothing about my beliefs or my code of ethics. However, her lack of understanding doesn't mean that she should stop herself from spouting off nonsense to the twins about my religion! A few years ago she told them that I howl at the moon. There have been little comments like that along the way, about our "peculiar event" of a wedding (which she was of course not invited to, which was held outside- gasp- that was the "weirdest" thing about it), about "strange full moon customs" (we had taken a full-moon nature hike organized by a local nature preserve)....and just maybe there will be some kind of nonsense about tonight!!
Just makes me smile.
"A few years ago she told
"A few years ago she told them that I howl at the moon."
Most frightening Halloween
Most frightening Halloween ever:
I had just moved in with DH and it was our first Halloween together. I love Halloween, went all out, decorated the house, the whole nine yards.
I take BD out trick or treating in the neighborhood, get back to my house and BM's SUV is parked in front of my damn house....
I asked DH WTF? He said that since she was in an apartment (and had been since they split) when it's her year for Halloween, she brings them over and takes them trick or treating in our neighborhood... whatever...
I was outside talking to our neighbor when BM and the skids showed back up. She was dressed as slutty Freddy Krueger.....I almost threw up...
Haha!! At least she picked
Haha!! At least she picked someone scary... and not "sweet."
We get a lot of transplants, too... My last home was in a rather "country" area, but we had the neighborhood with lights and sidewalks. They literally bussed kids in. It was crazy. We'd go through 500 pieces of candy and close up early.
Waiting to see what it's like where we live now...
Happy Halloween SAF! Didn't
Happy Halloween SAF! Didn't have the issues you brought up with my SD14, so I can't relate to that at all, but you're right - how awfully petty of her.
I can just imagine what BM
I can just imagine what BM will come up with after this Halloween SO might have the kids if she doesn't make a stink and it being a full moon and Samhain I have a huge thing I'm hosting at my house SO actually asked me not to host because of court Friday but 1 his kids will be trick or treating and 2 I don't care what she thinks and 3to it's for me and my kids and a few others their kids aren't allowed anyway.
Never got the skids on
Never got the skids on Halloween. But your story reminded me of when BM decided to take both skids out of school for a MONTH LONG VACATION without telling my DH where they were.
Yeah, that was definitely one of the last straws. And she STILL cried poor any chance she got. I have NEVER taken a month-long vacation with OR without kids!
Our BM tries to pawn SD off
Our BM tries to pawn SD off on us for every holiday she doesn't care one bit. She always says she doesn't have the money to spend on the holiday yeah right. We have SD if it falls on our time if not she is stuck with her mom.