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Update to putting MSS's belongs in storage.

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I picked up DH at the airport, did our greetings, hugs, "missed you", etc.; and he suggested we stop to eat dinner and I agreed but as soon as I did I regretted that because now I was going to have to try to sit through about an hour of not bringing anything up to do with the house.
I tried to convince him I had started b=preparing a good dinner at home but he was super hungry so we ended up going to eat.
I had decided that I wasn't going to say anything about the house and just let DH notice everything on his own when he got home. Something must have been off about my mood or behavior because DH asked a few times if I was okay. I didn't want to lie but still didn’t want to say anything and just told him that it had been a stressful week. DH had to go and ask if it was work and I told him it wasn't. He wanted to talk about it but I asked if we could just enjoy dinner and talk later.
I should tell now that he was concerned and I was sitting there feeling stupid for making him feel concerned when (in my mind) it wasn't a horribly big deal what I did. DH was being so wonderful and told me (as he scooted closer)whatever was going on we're in it together. I didn't mean to exhale as loud as I did but it the exhale came out sounding like a 'razberry' Blum 3
Without much more thought I just started to speak:

Me: Mss never did come by this week.
DH: He'll probably stop by sometime this week.
Me: Except he has a deadline to get the rooms cleared by today.
I was watching DH's face and I all I could see was confusion.
Me: Don't forget my Sis, BIL, BIL's sister and 2 of my nephews are coming by week after next. (Four days total for an event on the 17th)
DH: They can use YSS's old room (the 1st room I cleared several years ago that was then promptly overtaken by YSS and his GF...both unemployed) and the family room.
Me: (In an almost hushed tone) No, that won't work

It was quiet for a while and DH started to talk about something else unrelated. I interrupted him and still in a calm tone...
Me: MSS has had two months to clean since he was notified. He's had months if not years longer than that to just do it.

DH: I think MSS has had the most difficult time with his mom's death and letting go of her stuff.

Mind you DH and I have spoken about the possible contents many times and DH claimed he didn't know for positive but always speculated on what they could be.
The whole issue of me moving in with DH vs. him moving into my home was always something that was difficult to talk to each other about. We are both widowed and both have our marital home. My house is currently a rental but is also more expensive to keep up DH has tried very hard to make me feel like this is my home and I've been able to redo the rest of the house but these last two rooms have just seemed like they were off limits. DH reassured me many times that he would get MSS to take care of the problem but now here DH is sounding like he's making excuses!
Straw that broke the camel's back...I never liked the fact that I was living in this house and had no clue what was in MY HOME and then DH make the following comment.
I had enough and told DH that the rooms have nothing to do with his mom.
DH: We don't know that.

I ended up telling him about everything. He didn't get upset but he did want to call MSS ASAP and was also concerned about the doors since they're custom made solid doors that match throughout the house. I asked that he not call MSS and also said that I would replace the doors.
DH felt it was important to call MSS and I felt like I had to almost beg him to not because there were other things he needed to know.
DH made me jump when his tone changed and he said, "LIKE WHAT!"
I've never heard him use that tone with me and it bothered me but also made me question more than ever what was the truth in this strange father-son relationship where the son can still run the show as he apparently has his entire life and even now after moving out.
I just kept telling myself that I had every right to take charge of my home.
I told DH that I found many of our things in those rooms, many things which MSS denied ever seeing or knowing where they were.

I listed some of the things which are things that seems like they were taken just to make up crazy. I’m talking stupid things like:
1 earring from a pair (x7)
My women's razors - went missing immediately after purchase several times. Looks like he never used them.
Expensive hair products - that were now nearly empty but has liquid that honestly almost looks like piss!?!
Mail that belongs to me and my youngest son.
A couple of my old phones that I was looking everywhere for since there is still a lot of information on there that I want.
The worse was finding DH's digital video camera that was top of the line when purchased about 5 years ago. We've been looking for that because there are videos of since deceased family that we know we have on video. Apparently MSS has been using this camera to video some very private aspects of his life. There are A LOT of memory cards but I DON"T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO SEARCH!!

I just looked at the time and I'm off work at 4:30. I rarely get a chance to go on StepTalk in the evenings but will try to do so but it'll have to be after 6:00PM PST.

I'll finish tomorrow.
