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And so it begins.....

stepstuk's picture

After my last entry about the problems with adult SD and her refusal to acknowledge me as DH's wife,the time to discuss having all adult SK's over for dinner is drawing nearer.
I received some great advice from Stepaside,Emotionallybeatup,and lots of other ladies,thank goodness for this site,I may not post often,but I am on here every day,it is a huge source of support!
Sk's never visit anymore anyway,SS has broken off ALL contact,and SD has visited here twice in over two years,and instead,invites DH over to her place.DH also has another adult child (not biologically his),but,this one has only ever visited twice before.
The last time they were all here,together,they sat around my dinner table whilst I was cooking for them,and began to tell my DH how tired he looked,how they were concerned and worried about him,and,indirectly,how our relationship was destroying him(my husband used to tell them about our marriage problems,which was,of course,music to their ears).I didn't let on that I could hear everything that was being said,but I didn't need to anyway,because DH entered the kitchen and pretty much repeated everything they had said,.......the sad part,is that he misread this situation totally,he was so 'moved' by their concern for him,that he had tears In his eyes,I just stood there,shocked,I knew EXACTLY what they were doing,but,I kept quiet,served them their food,and carried on being the perfect host (through gritted teeth).So,whilst making sure that I no longer give any of them my head space,I am,however,asking myself how I can protect ME from their next visit (should it even take place),and,how I am sending out a message that I am NOT going to let them even think that I am remotely interested in a war with them(it's a long story,but,in a nutshell,they have never been able to accept me,I have been called names,BD was bullied by SD at one point,BM was a nightmare,and so,in the end when they realised they could not drive a permanent wedge between myself and DH,they decided to exclude me totally,whilst still making passive aggressive attempts to let me know my place)
This time,the royal visit is going to be totally different.I,for one,am NOT going to be cooking one of my special meals,DH is welcome to cook,but,I refuse to slave over a hot stove for hours whilst listening to them sit around the table and play games with is too demeaning,I don't think I would be able to sit and then watch them gobble down my food.I plan to busy myself,I will be polite,say ,'hello',and,'goodbye',I will be polite when/if spoken to,however,I will not be putting myself out for any of them anymore,they are not,and never have been part of MY inner circle,they do not care for me,and I do not care for them,they do not like me,they do not want me to be married to their father,they cannot hide the contempt they feel for me,and I know it,they have made sure of that,so,I will make sure that conversation is polite and civil,but that is all they get from me now.My goal,is to be,'indifferent',my expectations from them,are nothing more than to be polite,civil and respectful to me whilst in my home,but,I am sure that the ,'pack', mentality will be too tempting for SD to completely hold her to tongue,we will see,but if I am right,I will take action and be sending out a very clear message that the games are over,and I WILL be respected in my own home,............I no longer care what they think about me,I no longer care about the things they say about me,I couldnt give two hoots,but,if they want to step foot in my home,they had better learn that I am no longer here to be trampled on.
I will keep you posted! X


bestwife's picture

I guess I really am the evil stepmother because I do not give a shit what my steps think of me. Older one (who is terminally ill in another state) has not spoken to dh in over 15 years (before me) so while I am sorry that he is dying he is not of my concern. I'll never meet him and it is unlikely that we will even attend a funeral if there is one. (ex con, prison gang member, on the lam from the law)

The younger one probably likes me more than I like him. I don't hate him but his life is pathetic. DH loves him with all of his being which he should. I don't consider myself his stepmother. I am just the woman who is married to his dad. I am old enough to be his grandmother - especially if I'd started birthing as a young teen like his mother the whore.

But I do not waste any time worrying what SS24 may think of me. None. Don't care at all.

I will never ask DH to choose between us - but I am free to choose to leave him if issues with SS make me unhappy. Maybe one of the big differences here is that I have my own money and was single for ages. I love DH and want to be with him but I don't HAVE to be with him. I've made it on my own before so I don't have to put up with a lot of crap. Some yes - nothing is perfect. I don't get my way 100% of the time.

Rags's picture

I have not read your complete post or the responses yet. Regardless I would address your adult skids in this way.

"I am sorry that you feel the way you do about the marriage that your father and I share. Regardless of those feelings the fact is that I am your father's wife and your father is my husband. So, whether you accept it or not it is a fact and it will always be a fact. So, you can either accept it or you can be apart from both of us. Your father and I have discussed it and that is how it is."

Better yet, have DH give the speech. He is the one who should.

If he won't be the one with the testicles in your marriage then you need to let him know how he will behave and how you will deal with his spawn if he won't.

And another better yet, change the locks next time he is out of the house and tell him he can have a key when he grows some sack with his children. He is the problem with his children and he needs to fix it or deal with how you will fix it. Either way someone needs to put the proverbial foot up these kid's asses and quit letting them have the power in the relationship.

IMHO of course.

20 plus's picture

When I am just polite and uninterested in my skids that is wrong too. They claim I am being passive aggressive with them. If I speak up I am a bitch. Mostly the SD27. I try and make all kinds of regular plans to stay away when she visits and keep busy. Of course this spawns her telling everyone we know how awful it is her poor daddeee has to work so hard while I spend all of his money.

I am thinking about calling someone when she is here next time and talk really nasty about her like she does me and then act all innocent and victim-like.