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Tales from ss12 - the snowman episode..

stepmomsoon's picture

Every year, I pretty much put out the same Christmas/winter decorations - give or take a few that I pick up as new.

I have a slight "thing" for snowmen.. lol! I love them and have quite the collection of snowmen things - I figure they are more than just a Christmas decoration and can leave some of them up all winter Smile

So, after Thanksgiving, I put out all my decorations.. I have these two snowmen pillows that I have had for years and have put out every year - they are not some new addition to the lineup.

This year, for some reason (uh, well.. we know the reason, but dh is in denial), ss12 has just decided that anytime he sits on the oversized chair the snowmen pillows are on, he is going to shove them back behind it in the corner. Now, bear in mind these are soft squishy snowmen pillows and there are 2 other decorative pillows on the chair (it's a HUGE 2 person chair with a giant ottoman- so comfy).. there is plenty of room for this kid and all of the pillows.

Nope - he shoves only the snowmen pillows behind the chair and leaves them there every time he sits there.

I have asked him for what, like 5 weeks now to please stop doing that. So did his grandmother when she was in town.. and so has DH now that I called him out on it.

Sure enough, I walk into the living room last night and the pillows are not on the chair.. I look and they are once again shoved back in the corner. I am literally like "WTF?" Enough already! I went and got all the kids and called out ss12 on it in front of everyone. I asked him "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" his response was "he doesn't like it, they are uncomfortable" - I said "NO - they are NOT uncomfortable - you leave the other pillows there and they are actually firmer than these - so that is not the reason!" His brother agreed with me on this and so did dh and my daughter. "SO, give me the reason you are doing this - the real reason!"

I was livid and sure, running off emotion at this point and probably handling it a little wrong.. but what other options did he leave me? Politely asking him not to do it got me ignored. Not to mention, I know he is doing it just to be a dick because he knows I like snowmen and this gives him the power to do something to a thing I like without it being obvious as to why..

I think it's really to get back at me.. because I will go unplug his ipad and take it up to his room when he leaves it plugged into an outlet in the living room. Why? Because we have a rule in our home about electronics and where they are to be charged. I gave each kid a power strip for their room to be used for electronics. I got sick of having my lamps unplugged and every damn outlet in the house occupied by a cell phone, ipad, ipod, DS, DSI or laptop cord - I would look around the house and there was shit plugged in everywhere and sitting on end tables, the floor, etc!


HadEnoughx5's picture

Prince is 12 too and does a lot of passive/aggressive shit like that. In Nov. I cleaned out the toy closet which is a walk in closet. Before I cleaned it no one cared about it because he would rather play video games. After I cleaned it, I put a huge bag of cat food in there other wise the cat will tear the bag open. Mind you the door stayed closed until Prince discovered if he left the toy closet door open then the cat would chew the bag.

I then found a large container for the food and moved it into another closet. So just GUESS what happened? Prince is back to not caring about the toy closet again and the door has stayed closed.

Oh the games skids play :?

stepmomsoon's picture

Isn't this just aggravating?

I mean, my goodness.. is it really worth the effort on his end? I guess so, since he does it every damn day.. ugh!

Yea, the crap we have to put up with is amazing.. it's a wonder we aren't all raging alcoholics due to the crap we gotta deal with..

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

You gave the kid exactly what he wanted - the power to make you upSet- And now he knows he can make you upset about a pillow. Should've just put then away an ignored him.

StepKat's picture

SS9 jumps all over my couch. Each time he does it I ban him from sitting on it. He can enjoy the floor for all I care.