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does it ever stop???

stepmomof2girls's picture

First let me start by saying I'm glad a site like this is out ther. I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one. Not that I want anyone to go through what I go through. I've been with my husband for 6 years. We have their 2 girls. We fought for 4 long hard years to get them. She gave them to us in 2008. I thought after that everything would be ok. Not by a long shot. If that's not bad enough His Mom is right there beside her. All we want is for the girls to have a full wonderful life. They(ex-wife & mommy dearest) fight us the whole way. I'm still tring to teach her we are all on the same page or our we!We should be for the kids sake. One of my stepchildren gives me hake because of what her mom has told her through the years. She told me I was her fake mom. What is that?? When I asked her Mom of course she didn't tell her that..THat's just one of the many,many things I put up with. I've thought about leaving my husband because of it. Somebody please tell me it gets better...


Dinaquan21's picture

One thing I do appreciate about my husband is that he deals with the ex wives. I am to not have direct conversation with them about the situation and I like it that way. I also have gotten to the understanding that they are not my biological children which in all reality limits the amount of power I really do have over them. That was a hard adjustment at first because I either wanted them to raise or not at all. It's hard having so much input from other parties so I kind of took a step back. I give my opinions to my husband and he does what he wants with them. He does take tem into account with alot of the decisions but he makes tem on his own. They are his kids and the exes are their mothers. I'm just there as an extra support and heart.

1's picture

My parents divorced when I was now 31 and THEY STILL FIGHT! It's no longer about the kids but now the grandkids...who gets the grandma/grandpa title, who babysits the grandbabies and HOLIDAYS, after all these years im still forced to alternate holidays between my parents. I used to take my kids to one parents house for a few hours then pack them all up and head over to the other parents house...and had to add in a stop at my in-laws (thankfully they are happily married). Not only do I deal with the drama of my parents but I am now a stepmom of 2 and are living the life all over again. Most recently I have informed my husband he is going to have to chose a way of life for us (him, me, my son from previous marriage and now our baby girl) either continue fighting with his ex or allow her to move back to her home state and take the kids. Im am so sick and tired...of being sick and tired! Husband and I have been together for 4 years and he has been to court every single year we have been together. As a child of divorced parents who fought until we all turned 18 I advise him to stop because it's the kids who lose...every single time! It should always be about the kids and either parent always thinks they are doing best for the kids but fighting with the other parent is never best for the kids. Sometimes we just have to let go and hold on to our sanity...oh and money that could be better spent on the kids not attorney's fees. I love my husband to death but I love my life more...dont forget you only get this day on earth once...never again will we get to do today over again. Good luck!
- Patty