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Why she get to be so mean

justme's picture

I don't get why my B/F ex-wife gets to be so mean ..
I every thing I can to play nice... But like today when she came to get the girls … I got them dressed did their hair because I new she had a lot to do and was in a big hurry and god for bid her children do not look perfect …. And when she came to get them as she left she peeled out all over my car and a 7X7 foot window in the front of my house … What in the hake makes her think she can do this kind of stuff…
I mean really .. She has a B/F and has moved on her kids are happy and yet she still dose stupied stuff all the time I don’t get it is their a way to make peace ????


Sweetness's picture

There's probably no way of making peace with her. She sounds extremely immature and obviously insecure - the fear that maybe her girls will like their step mother better than her!

Just ignore her childish antics and keep putting the children and others who matter, first!

Maybe even greet her at the beginning of your driveway, so she doesn't get an opportunity to do things as above!

Sweetness's picture

Also, when possible let BF deal with her and minimalise your contact with her as much as possible. NEVER let her get to you and always put the children first. Don't let her talk to you about anything other than the children. If it's not about them, you have no reason to talk.

Chocoholic's picture

My DH's ex is the same way.... I don't think your bf's ex or my DH's ex have truly moved on.... why else would they be so bitter? I am a bio mom as well as stepmom and I know that I did some really mean and stupid stuff (just acting out) when I thought that I was still "in love" with my ex. It was not until I truly moved on with my life that my silly little antics ended. Looking back now I feel so stupid.... but thats just where I was at that time... Not over it yet!