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Stepmom09's Blog

Update on BS

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We officially have surgery scheduled. He will be getting tubs and adenoids removed as well as, checked to see if anything else could be causing his sleep apnea. His sleep apnea has officially been diagnosed he stops breathing 3 times every hour he is asleep. Well the doctors did a chest xray and he also has reactive airways disease so he will also being seeing a penologist. Prays and good vibes are much needed.

Prayers for tomorrow

Stepmom09's picture

My BS has a doctors appointment tomorrow with the ENT. He had a sleep study 2 weeks ago we will find out the results from that as well as decide if ear tubes are happening or not. They will be checking a few other things.

Part of me wants no surgery but the other part wants it done soon. BS is at the doctors every few weeks and I just want him to be healthy.

Marriage Counseling

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DH and I have decide to go talk to someone. We have communication issues. His family doesn't communicate and my family communicates a little too much. Any advice? Anyone been through this?

Things have been crazy since we got married. I feel like we have had no time to just talk it out (too much communication) and DH thinks we just make decisions then move forward. DH was working nights and now he is working days so hopefully that helps.

MIL issues

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My MIL seriously ask my DH to leave me with the kids and go visit her alone for thanksgiving. DH handled it amazing and told her he has a family and will spend holidays with us. To me it is just ridiculous that she would ever ask this.

Aggression towards girls

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I just got a report from a mom at my SS's school that she saw SS holder a girl by her collar and growling in her face. Later with the same girl he was fighting over something and then had to sit out for awhile. Last week we got a report that he kicked a different little girl. BM said last time she wanted him in therapy it was because he was attacking her (he was 4 at the time). Well now BM wants him in therapy and in every after school program possible. I have no idea what is going on in the other home. I know his stepdad has gotten physically aggressive with me in the recent past.

Really? This again?

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BM is still pushing for group therapy. Her new tacit is to say it says we have to in the custody agreement. It doesn't it says SS has to go to therapy not all of us. I don't really understand what her obsession with all of us talking about our feelings is.

Thank god DH and I have saved up. We have lawyer and court money saved. I just have a feeling we will be in court soon. BM keeps saying the custody agreement say's things that it doesn't.

Therapy Umm I think not

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BM brought up all of us (DH, me, BM, and her husband) going to therapy together. NO I personally have no interest in being in a room with either one of them. A therapist (therapist A) DH and I talk to recommend that DH join a therapy group for men abused by women. SS old therapist (therapist Dirol brought up group therapy for all of us. I am still shocked by it.

This Weekend was horrible

Stepmom09's picture

I am honestly at a lost of what to do. My SS was horrible all weekend. Thank the lord it is monday. I am not sure who on here says I do not do favors for assholes and I do not negotiate with terrorist. He honestly made this weekend horrible. He is acting like a 2 year old. He is throwing drinks and peeing himself when he doesn't get what he wants the second he wants it.

Doctor appointment update

Stepmom09's picture

The doctor said everything going can be normal with this birth control. However, she wants me to get an ultrasound to make sure everything is fine. Also, I going to take the pill for 3 months to try to help make everything go back to a normal cycle. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Also, when we plan on trying again for a baby I need to get the arm thing taken out a few months before we want to get pregnant.
