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Stepmom09's picture

Lately things have been crazy again but I have come to the realization that it is not as crazy as BM makes thing seem. There has been one incident in the last year that would be classified as crazy. Everything seems to happen right as summer ends every year. Come to think about every big thing has always happened right at this time of year. The only people truly hurt by the crazy is her child and there is nothing I can do to stop that.

I read something on here that was inspirational for me. It was about how is doing everything really going to matter. Like will BM's gravestone read made SS's Dad and Stepmom's lives hell? No it won't so why should I let anything that happens bother me? If anything she will leave behind kids that resent her. Also, after all this time if she is still acting like this then it will never stop. DH and I just need to disengage from BM.(which a therapist has said would be the best thing we can do in this situation) Hopefully if we can stop feeding her need for drama and attention she will find someone else to fulfill her need for drama. In the next 6 months I will successfully completely things that BM has talked about her whole adult life but will probably never do and I am even younger then her.

My goal for the next six months is to not let her crazy impact my life at all. My life is going great God has really blessed my family lately. The more positive I can be the better. I am going to make sure everyday I do something I want to be remembered for.


hereiam's picture

I am going to make sure everyday I do something I want to be remembered for.

That sounds exhausting! Wink

Great attitude, though.

Stepmom09's picture

Ok I should clarify nothing big everyday. Little things smile at the person at the drive thru, not cut people off while driving. Yup nothing big just pimpin joy if you listen to Bobby bones

hereiam's picture

Thank You! I was just thinking that I should do something more productive. I'd hate to burn myself out, though.

Tuff Noogies's picture

my goal is to spend 5 minutes less chain-smoking out back just to avoid hearing the stress and conflict between dh and yss. well i can still hear it, but it feels i'm a bit further removed from it...