On a non-skid topic,
what do you all do to let your hubby know that you are not in "the mood?"
I wear old man pajamas to bed with a Golden Girls-esque robe that would have made Bea Arthur green with envy. It's giant, shapeless and has little pink embroidered flowers.
I need to be cheered up (v. bad weekend) so please post what you do, because I could use some laughing.
- StepMadre's blog
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hahahahaha Golden Girls
hahahahaha Golden Girls robe...that's great!
I wish I had something funny and witty to say but I'm all out of funny
I'm so sorry that you had a bad weekend.
Our standing joke
Is about the "dress code." Generally sleeping is in the buff. So seeing clothing (or checking on the "dress code" for bedtime) is an indication of what is/is not happening.
I just say, Hey how about a
I just say, Hey how about a BJ and I'll owe ya!
She doesn't believe in debt...and my credit is shot anyways! So that gets me off the hook.
Just kidding.
We have made plans to do the dead and had to back out, last minute.
We just tell each other. I'm sorry not in the mood. Or I need sleep. or I ate to much I will probably fart...
OK seriously.
I will never be upset with her not wanting to have sex.
Only as long as she does not say "she never wants to."
If I can't take "no" for an answer? I'm a big boy I can take care of myself.
I'm addicted to my hun as well. She is flippin hot! I got lucky that's for sure.
I try
I try not to let myself be "not in the mood."
Not that it doesn't happen -- but use it or lose it, right?
I've found that often, when I'm not in the mood at the beginning, going with the flow will eventually get me going. And hey, the more intimacy in a relationship, the better, right?
Of course, if I'm feeling physically ill or dead tired, I will just tell him. But since it's not that often that I do that, he doesn't complain!
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
Thanks guys!
Good replies, thanks. I'm recovering from the weekend, finally. (Got really sick and had to go to the ER, TWICE. Was there for 8 hours both times, so it really sucked (plus I hate needles and they poked me as much as they could)).
LOL, I usually am just straightforward too, but if I bust out the hideous jammies and my Bea Arthur robe, he gets the idea without me saying anything.
"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32
Are you OK???!! healthwise? I would hate that too, I am a huge baby with needles or pain!!
My h. knows if I am wearing panties, no dice! LOL
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.
William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2
Ok, so BF and I had a bit of
Ok, so BF and I had a bit of an arguement the other night and he said some really mean things and then as soon as we were in bed he was all over me like white on rice. Ok, as a woman I'm thinking to myself "I'm not having sex with you after you just screamed and yelled at me"...apparently he was thinking different. Then the next night I asked him about the night before and he miracally didn't remember...so I filled him in and told him if he was ever that shitty again...drunk or not he wouldn't be seeing or feeling ANYTHING of mine again!
That's so cool, you have some awesome hubby's.
Isn't it great when they think we are beautiful when we think we look horrible or after a huge fight? I also take a while to cool off after a fight and H knows not to try anything, lol! But, I do think it's funny that he's all over me when I have zit cream on my face and am clipping my toe nails in bed while wearing ratty old sweatpants. I guess we are just sexy bitches! 
p.s. Thanks, MostEvil! I'm fine now, it's just leftover health stuff from my ovarian cancer. I'm in total remission, but I also had endometriosis and so it causes problems now and then. Feeling great today though!
"The truth shall set you free." ~John 8:32
Oh gosh
Well I am glad you are feeling better, and hope there are no further episodes. :)!
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.
William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2