Aw, I can't believe I am posting this after this year...
but my skids just woke up and they are being really cute. My mom is staying with us and they get up early and she's in the living room and they are trying really hard to be quiet and not wake her up. They're like different kids from a year ago!!!
- StepMadre's blog
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Good to hear!!
Good to hear!!
Aww, that's so cute! I'm
Aww, that's so cute! I'm glad things are better for all of you
I wish those kids lived with you, though. I really don't think it's good for them to live with BM.
Yep, we actually had a great
Yep, we actually had a great day and they are being really sweet. Both have said all day that they are really anxious about their mom's house because she told them that because she is "poor" they might not be able to afford food and will have to eat from the garden! I was up early 'cause of insomnia and heard them in the bathroom whispering and promptly began to eavesdrop. They started talking really loudly and it turned out they were arguing and SS11 was trying to convince SS5 that their mom would be okay if they lived with us and not her. SS11 said, "I want to eat food and i'm scared that we won't have food at moms. It's gotten really bad, ---, I hate living with mom and want to live with dad and stepmadre." He was terrified and on the verge of tears and I seriously didn't know whether to cry myself or punch something! I can't believe that horrible, witch of a woman! She deliberately scares her kids in order to try to get something from H. She told them that on purpose, I have absolutely no doubt, hoping it would get back to H and he would feel guilty and swoop in and rescue her from her financial catastrophe. SS11 went on saying the same stuff to SS5, who just sounded terrified and kept whining, "I wanna stay with dad too, don't leave me with mom" over and over again. I am seriously getting upset just writing about this, but am too upset not to. SS11 finished his conversation by saying, "I don't know about you, but i'm not moving with mom to ---, i'm staying with dad and stepmadre." I finally interrupted at this point and asked them if they wanted to talk or were worried about anything and SS11 just blurted it all out to me and started crying. I saw this terrified kid, whispering in his bathroom with his brother because he is worried that his mom won't be able to feed him and they will be reduced to eating from her trashy backyard???!!!!!! This was probably the most upsetting thing I have witnessed so far with BMs total lack of basic compassion for her own children. She is a complete disgrace for a human being and a "mother." I am shaking mad over this. H is really upset too, but we both had a long talk with both skids and told them that we will never let them go hungry and that their mom cannot just take them and move without going through the courts (we didn't mention that if she is reduced to eating dandelions from her yard that she probably won't be able to afford one of the nicer cardboard boxes under the best bridges in her chosen city of the week). We gave them a really nice, relaxing and fun day and tried to make everything as cozy and comforting as possible.
BM is trying to get a reaction out of us through them and must be getting desperate. She also gave SS5 a dollar bill and told him to save it for food because they might need it later!!!! She wants this to upset H to the point where he gives her more CS, but what she isn't expecting is that we've been prepared for her falling apart like this and will swoop in. With lawyers to get full custody! She has shown repeatedly that she doesn't care how much she scares her own kids and fills them with fear and instability as long as she is pushing her own agenda. If she can't feed the kids, we are not giving her more money, we are using the money to pay for the skids needs and pay our lawyer fees to have them so they don't have to live in fear of starvation/a grass diet and actually be taken care of.
I was shaky all day because I was upset, but we pulled it together and the skids have completely calmed down and are reassured for the moment. It's up to H to make the decision on what to do with this, but at the first sign of serious neglect or abuse, we will be all over it before she can even blink. Anyway, on the positive side the skids are doing really, really well. I had no idea they were picking up on as much as they are (i've never heard SS11 be so adult sounding and smart as when he was desperately whispering with SS5). Btw, they were whispering because they were trying to be quiet, not because they were trying to have a secret conversation, just wanted to point that out! I am really beginning to see more and more that almost all of their behavior problems in the past and some of the stuff we still deal with are due to BM and her horrific "parenting."
Sorry to have such a depressing post guys, thanks for the positive comments! I'm trying to focus on the positive as much as possible. Sigh...
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you." ~Oscar Wilde
Nothing depressing about
Nothing depressing about that Madre. The BM and her bullshit is enough to piss off the Pope but ...... It is great that you and DH are making such a difference in your Skid's lives and that you are prepared to smack BM around it court to make the Skids lives better.
What many in our BlendedFamily world often forget is that it is really about the kids, what is best for them and how best to integrate them in to the families we make with one or the other of their parents. Not to say that our marriage to their parent does not come first. It absolutely does but they benefit from a strong marriage and a healthy home even if that marriage and home does not include both of their BioParents.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Man you are lucky! I hope
Man you are lucky! I hope that I'll get there one day!