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stepkate's Blog

Just Realized Everything I'll Never Get To Do

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[edit] I've removed some information from the post for privacy reasons [edit]

Mr. Kate and I took FSD10 to an amusement park. I thought I was prepared, but I was wrong.

After a few hours of dropping me off to ride a coaster by myself...I felt bad for feeling bad, because...FSD10 deserves time with her dad, but theres nothing like watching all those kissy-face couples in line while you're by yourself thinking 'BF and I will never be carefree like they are.'

I think he might be listening...

stepkate's picture

[edit] I've removed some information from the post for privacy reasons [edit]

Yesterday I told Mr. Kate that I felt I was being taken for granted, and no huge blow-out fight happened.

It all started Sunday morning when i woke up to find my last $3 gone from my purse...seeing it taken without permission just had me thinking 'Jeez, I'm not allowed to have a couple dollars without someone just helping themselves to it.'

Met BM For The First Time

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[edit] I've removed some information from the post for privacy reasons [edit]

...Boy was it weird.

Mr. Kate doesn't like BM...I'm not making judgments at this point.

I said 'Hi', she said 'Hi' and told me that my front tire was flat, and I said 'Oh. Thanks.'

Uneventful, but kinda weird.

Witholding Sex

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[edit] I've removed some information from the post for privacy reasons [edit]

Mr. Kate and I had several big fights over him allowing his daughter (10 y/o) to sleep in our room...among the things Mr. Kate has said in these fights were... "you're making me choose between you and her (and if I have to, I'll choose her)", yada yada yada...

Well, Saturday night...FSD10 is in our room...I get on the computer and notice that Mr. Kate has been looking at porn for about the last half hour.

I'm not going to 'do the business' anywhere but the bedroom. He knows this.

Do Fathers Win Custody?

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The more I think about it, the more I wonder if BF is being taken for a ride by his lawyer.

He has been trying to get custody of FSD10 for the last month, and I think that his desperation has him being too optimistic about his chances. His lawyer told him that he has a good shot, but really, what lawyer would turn away a man willing to pay him thousands to file a couple of motions and go to court three or four days out of the summer?

Here are some of the facts of the case:

'I Love You As Much As SD'

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Mr. Kate told me that he loved me as much as he did his daughter.

I thought this milestone deserved its own entry.

During a recent fight about allowing his daughter to sleep in our room, Mr. Kate told me that she was first and foremost in his life and if I made him choose between us, he would pick her. I don't think I was upset with him putting her first so much as I was wondering how many times he was going to make me feel like crap by reminding me that whatever I did, I would never know what its like to be first in his life.
