To purposely stir the pot ;) Top 10 worst BM's on this site
There have been many many fake posts lately on ST that is for sure! My last post was not intended to stir the pot at all, but now I am going to. What users on here have the worst BM's? What is the top 10 worst BMs?
- stepgirlfriendfurmom's blog
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I'll do the first nomination
The poster with the worst BM on the site goes to: justmakingthebest ! Hopefully she gets locked up in jail soon for her actions!
Awwww! Thanks for the Vote!
Awwww! Thanks for the Vote!
I have to nominate my BM the Girhippo
Who puts on a HUGE front of being a church lady, caring, warm, perma victim, who has worked for CPS in the past and now tells OTHERS how to parent their children yet:
Had ZERO rules for her own children who are all feral and failing at school as well as life in general
Would rather see her children (who were ALL PLANNED btw) have minimum wage schlepping jobs for life than learn any lucrative trades from their father.
Who herself PLAGIARIZED her way through college, got a bogus degree in English (she can't form a cogent sentence to save her life) and had her enmeshed mommykins as well as Chef bail her out of her own follies.
Completely bankrupted and impoverished Chef then made him feel guilty for not giving her more... perhaps a lung or kidney?
Has totally enmeshed and brainwashed all three of her now young adult children to ever see their father again (it's been over a decade since they've been in personal contact except for Pumpkinhead OSS23 who had a five minute reunification attempt, by Chef back in 2012)
Those are the worst!!
The "I go to church so I am a wonderful and caring human being who could never do anything to hurt or upset anyone ever" type are the biggest hypocrites of them all!
I don't get the BM just expects to put her hand out and get endless money from their ex, why doesn't BM take steps to be able to be more financially independent herself? Oh, because that would take hard work and they don't want to do that because they think their ex screwed them over so they should pay for that forever!
It's sad but the more someone
It's sad but the more someone wears their faith on their sleeve.. the more I am instinctively keeping a tighter grip on my
Like the "christian based" contractor that came and gave me a quote to replace my windows and install vinyl siding on a home that came in fully THREE times the amount that the other contractors bid for the exact same time.
Like the woman who sold me a horse this spring who talked so much about her bible studies and faith.. and how much a good home meant to her.. when the horse in question had some huge issues.. soured me so much on the situation and I was thankfully able to sell the horse (with full disclosure) to another person. She even had a right of refusal in her contract.. which I offered her to buy him back.. but "sorry.. not in a position to do that right now".. I hope she never contacts me again.. bless her heart.
I should have known better to not trust what someone said who "leads with their faith".. every person.. including my MIL is nowhere as good of a person as they claim they are.. godly and all. ughh.. it's sad. It's like they think they get to be jerks to the world because of their faith..
I nominate the Gir, too..
I nominate the Gir, too...mostly because thinkthrice's tails regularly make me laugh out loud. Also, because I'm jealous that she has such a fun nickname for her BM.
I don't remember the poster,
I don't remember the poster, but someone had a BM physically attack her in or infront of her home.
That's horrible!
I don't think I ever read about that! I would be pressing assault charges so fast
In my mind there's a clear
In my mind there's a clear winner - just making the best's crazy BM is pure evil.
There are many runners-up. The Girhippo is especially evil and a horrid mother to boot. Aniki's Bio-Ho. The horrid ex of Little Bo Peep's husband (she might have a new name now). I forget the username, but the one with the ex who just stripped her DH of rights to the daughter she passed off as his for years. I don't see her posting anymore, but the BM of Daenerys, the one who accused the bio-dad of sexual abuse of his daughter. Oh, there are just too many bad ones to list!
I give Probably Already Insane the award for worst combination of H and BM. Her jerk of a husband and the Psycho - all I can say is those poor children are doomed with that genetic makeup.
Aniki's Bio-Ho is one for sure! I am not familiar I don't think with Little Bo Peep's husband. Oh! futurestepmomnowstepgf! I just found her blogs, her BM is EVIL. She just posted a good blog earlier this week how her DH stood his ground to BM. Ah the sexual abuse accustations, that is just the worst of the worst!
Agreed about Probable Already Insane having the worst combination! I really hope things work out well for her, she has been through so much!
What does it mean to have one
What does it mean to have one of the worst? Do I get a teddy bear? A jar of cocktail olives? A life supply of residual nightmares?
I second, third, fourth, and 853rd that PAI has the worst combo H/BM. Isn't Saturday her deadline date?
that's a great question! Maybe put in your bio "nominated to have one of the worst BM's on the site, by fellow steptalkers" so when new people come on they already know what's up! hahaha
Updated to:
Updated to:
Nominated to have one of the worst BM's on the site, by fellow steptalkers.
I think this gets me a jar of cocktail olives.
Omg i love it
Thanks for the suggestion! xo
Thanks for the suggestion! xo
What you really need is
What you really need is something to put those cocktail olives in.
A 3D Martini made with
A 3D Martini made with Plymouth gin in one of my treasured Iitala rocks glasses!
There are some horrible,
There are some horrible, horrible cases on this site for sure!!
I'm thinking there may need to be categories like the Grammys
The GUBemmies:
Most Fake
Most Conceited
Most Munchausens
Most Two Faced To the Courts (justmakingthebest's BM)
Most Greedy
Most Druggie/Neglectful
Most Absent
Oh I like where this is going!
also add in there:
Most likely to lose another DH
the serial forni-f*c#er Most likely to cheat and be buried in a Y-shaped coffin.
Hahaha I nominate
for Most absent the BM that recently let the SM (i don't know her name) adopt her daughter
my 2 younger skids haven't
my 2 younger skids haven't laid eyes on Medusa for just about 8 years now...doesn't that count for something?? :-)
I don't know, I am pretty
I don't know, I am pretty strong in the Munchausens category too!! LOL
I think my BM def qualifies
I think my BM def qualifies for the Munchausen's category. I have like a 7 page word document I keep at work that details all of SD's injuries...including the ones that aren't visible by any xray/MRI/etc.....but still "real" and require tons of PT and the longest healing processes every....
Biggest liar
Biggest liar
Biggest alienator
The Golden Guilt Awards
For the biggest Disney/Guilty daddeeeeees
If we are going that direction we could also do
Most enmeshed with his ex
and I nominate the poster who was talking about the ex wife going on outtings with DH, skids, and SM and SM paying for BM when DH couldn't afford it!
Nominating BI for the Golden Guilt Awards
Most likely to use SM to prop up his failing at life spawn.
Worst 20 minute long drop off (occuring every other weekend)
that rivals a tearful goodbye to military family members shipping overseas for a year. (TM)
ThinkThrice, I love your TMs.
ThinkThrice, I love your TMs. LOVE them! Every time I see one of these, I start laughing uncontrollably.
I'll nominate mine for most
I'll nominate mine for most greedy and serial fornicator - currently on baby daddy number 3. I'll add most likely to use children as a paycheck also lol (I am LBP under a new user name).
Sorry, Ursula, but BioHo tops
Sorry, Ursula, but BioHo tops that. I once read a poem that describes 'Ho to a T...
One baby daddy
Two baby daddies
Three baby daddies
How many baby daddies does it take
To make you a wh0re?
Yep, that's right Five children by four men. 'Ho, 'Ho, 'Ho!
Yikes. I wonder if she is
Yikes. I wonder if she is embarassed by this? My BM doesn't seem to be embarassed to have 3 kids with 3 different guys at all...never been married either. No shame at all lol.
BM2 is 3 for 3 too!
BM2 is 3 for 3 too!
Of course she is NOT! She
Of course she is NOT! She hoped Mr. Pinhead would be Baby Daddy #5, but Mother Nature and the Groanocologist had other plans.
Thank the Lord!
Hold up! BM1 has (I think) 8
Hold up! BM1 has (I think) 8 baby daddy's and 9 kids that survived -- Custody of NONE!
She doesn't pop up often and it dies down after a text or 2 lol
EIGHT?!?!?! Gadzooks, my
EIGHT?!?!?! Gadzooks, my uterus cringed into a pea!!! *shok*
I'm 3 for 2, does that make
I'm 3 for 2, does that make me a whore too?
Nah- 8 is the whore category
Nah- 8 is the whore category to me!
You guys can't forget mine!!!
You guys can't forget mine!!! She's the one that recently called her 18yr old daughter to bail her out of her DUI.
1) Teen mom LIED about paternity for whomever was the best pick to my DH
2) Left him when SD was a young girl to expirement with girls- though these girls ended up being out of a Wentworth scene, criminals, domestic violence, records-
b)They divorced and he did a DNA test after it was final...never shared with her-so imagine the bitterness for us all, CS paid, drama, fights, PAS, behavior issues, visitation fights, for a kid that wasn't even his
3) Was in/out of these type of volatile relationships every few weeks -police was called monthly
4)has a paperwork stack about 4 inches from police investigations, arrests, reports, etc
5) Left her latest woman for a MAN who she met at rehab
6) became a hard core meth addict-even to where her tits got infected from shooting up
7)Lost custody of SD when SD was 15/16. Never paid a damn of her measely $250 a month CS
I think mine is WAYYYYY up there.
Most Druggie!
"Never paid a damn of her measely $250 a month CS" I hope she is in jail for this!
Satan is pretty evil. But I
Satan is pretty evil. But I haven't talked about her much. She was fairly neutralized by the time I joined this site, but she still plagues my PTSD.
justmakingthebest and
justmakingthebest and Ghostwhocooksdinner. I don't think she has posted in a while.
Thanks for the vote!? Lol. I
Thanks for the vote!? Lol. I don't post a whole lot anymore since the skids were PASed out several years ago. So it's been peaceful!
I don't think mine wins but
I don't think mine wins but she deserves an honorable mention. BM is the one who is drunk every single slurring words drunk. She drives with the kids in the car with only one eye open so she can see the road. Last month she drunk drove her truck into a ditch and left her open beer in the console....hitched a ride home with a stranger and told the kids what happend (while they watched when the police came knocking at the door) and then lied to the police.
About 3 days later....she drove off the road with kids in the car and SD17 had to fight with her to get her to allow SD to take over the driving...
If she isn't driving the kids around drunk or driving herself in a ditch....she is at home with skids screaming and yelling and be-rating them on horrible they are, how horrible their father is......
But on Sunday's they go to church.........oh wait...only on the Sunday's that DH should have bad.
Ahem. I am feeling
Ahem. I am feeling verrrrrrry left out. Granted, my stuff happened under my Former name, but come on, there are many of you here who remember the Medusa Sh*t Show...
I mean, who can forget -
the "engagement ring"
hiding the skids
stealing BabyVoice from the condo
Medusa teaming up with Asshat (my XH) to give fake police reports re DH
McDonalds Monday, Taco Bell Tuesday, Wendy's Wednesday, etc
BabyVoice and the case of the mysterious C-Diff
convincing BabyVoice that she had IBS (she didn't; it was allllll stress-related)
going to jail for telling the Judge what's what - "jumpsuit, jumpsuit, jumpsuit"
making ASS make "the phone call"
I mean, really, I could go on and on and on!!
I totally list your BM as one
I totally list your BM as one of the worst!! Isn't she also the one who wouldn't pay her seriously back-owed CS because "having the money in her account was better for her mental health"? That one is a killer. LOL.
*edited to correct a typo
That's our girl!!!
That's our girl!!!
I have NOT forgotten Medusa
I have NOT forgotten Medusa Mayhem!
Stalkers with the Worst BMs*:
Stalkers with the Worst BMs*:
Honorable Mention: ThisIsNotUs
10. Simpleton21
9. ProbablyAlready
8. LuluOnce (me! I'm so honored)
7. bananaseedo
6. GhostWhoCooksDinner (from nominations here; I don't remember her full story)
5. Aniki
4. WalkOnBy
3. ThinkThrice
2. futurestepmomnowstepgf
And the winner of the worst, most awful BM is...
1. justmakingthebest
*All rankings from recent and available blog posts and nominations from this thread. Feel free to up or down vote!
Also. Can someone please get a thread started for Most Disney-est Daddddeeeee and Worst Skid??? I'd like to do a final round where we can vote for the SM who has the Trifecta of Terror and gets a nomination in each category. It'll be like the play-offs, but for vile personalities! *ROFL*
I want to thank my husband, because without him, none of this would be possible. Also, my fellow step talkers- because without all of you, I would be clinically insane. I love you all!!
(No subject)
BM here was pretty bad in
BM here was pretty bad in days gone by - but she's been neutralized, other than the $1k child support for a lazy 20-year-old - only 11 more payments!
Don't forget BSGoinOn
BSGoinOn doesn't post much anymore either, but hers is one of the worst in the way she treated her son. Constant promises to see him and then never showing up. And when he was with her she took him to really sketchy places and had him around lots of drug users. If I'm remembering correctly, they don't know everything bad that may have happened to him before they got full custody.
And Medusa was also one of the worst.
Medusa. Walk on by's DH's ex.
Medusa. Walk on by's DH's ex. Has not see her kids for many years and she has no valid reason not to see them.
I'd like to thank the Academy
I'd like to thank the Academy and also Medusa, without whom none of this would be possible
I really feel like we could
I really feel like we could sub-categorize this further. There's a fun little Venn diagram to be made by sorting out:
1. the BMs who aren't completely screwing up their kids but make the SMs' lives
2. the BMs who are abusive, neglectful or otherwise terrible parents whose kids will be effed up for years (or ever)
3. the BMs who are totally absent POS mothers but only make SMs' or skids' lives difficult by their absence
I'm sure I can think of other categories, but honestly there are so many, many insane BMs on this site and they all seem to move in and out of each category at random.
Do we get to send out
Do we get to send out anonymous trophy's to the winners and participation awards to all BMs on the site?!?
Trophies? Nope, but we
Trophies? Nope, but we could send them a bag of d*cks or elephant poop
THIS IS GREAT----I remember
THIS IS GREAT----I remember all of the posters you wrote
Does anyone remember "STICK A FORK"
HRNYC she was pro pro PRO BM's and the children of divorce. If a Bm's kid kicked a dog, HRNYC would be on the kid and BM side. Maybe that is a little stretch but you know what I mean.