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Ok one more for the night: poor baby ss13 is scared so he's sleeping on the couch

step off already's picture

Question of the day: why is ss13 such a baby? Answer: because his parents like it that way!

DH and I went to go see The Conjuring at 11 am this morning. Even though SS is a fraidy cat, DH asked him to come alon and he willingly came even though he knew it was a very scary movie. Well guess who is too afraid to sleep in his bed tonight. All alone upstairs?

That's right. My poor baby ss13. When he asked DH and DH said yes, I about flipped. I told DH that he wasn't helping SS by allowing him to sleep on the love seat and that the boy was 13 and don't you think it'd be good for him to push through his fears and realize that he is safe in his room. Upstairs. Away from me. Away from my bathroom.

Oh well. Guess who will be woken up at 6 am to clean up the blankets and go up tO his own (damned) room. DH leaves around 5:30 and I'll be home with baby and SS and step mama ain't got time for no fraidy cats sleeping on her love seat. Lol.


And here's another vent. Since he tagged along with us to the movies and has basically been up my butt since he's returned home on Friday, I encouraged him to call one of his friends to go bike riding or come over to do something. So SS gets his little list of phone numbers and calls a school mate that lives around the corner. The call lasts like two minutes and SS says he didn't invite him. I tell DH that he needs to coach SS on how to talk on the phone and invite his friend over : wanna ride bikes or something, wanna come over, what are you doin today. I told DH that since he's never invited anyone over EVER that he probably didn't really know what to say. DH chuckled but I'm totally serious. The kid has no social skills as he was never given the opportunity to interact wih kids outside Of school (other than family or dh's friends' kids at bbqs or adult gatherings). This is why SS is either super quiet at school or why he's playing the class clown. He's nervous and doesn't know how to relax and be himself.

Again, I try to let DH do the parenting of this kid but sometimes DH is really just so clueless that he doesn't get it.