I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help myself
Bum texted dh tonight (disregarding her RO) saying "SS13 has a test - Boy Scout". It was meant to be a dig since we were all at the school for my two boys' scout meeting. SS and dd we're studying in the lobby since the local library was closed for the holiday. As had his court ordered call during the time so he must have told her what was going on.
I texted back, "if you're concerned about his grade then have him do his weekly assignment while he's at your house so he doesn't have to stay up till 11 when he comes home. And don't text back or I'll file a police report for your breaking the order"
Of course she texted back. "Go ahead and file mr mom"
Then I texted " your son smelled like blunts when we picked him up yesterday. This is Step Off. I'll be happy to help my husband file"
Her:"prove it"
Back and forth. I said we''ll enjoy the child support. She tried to dig on my for working since "you'll need da support. Yo man don't wrk. He din want me da wrk"
Me: "that's because your silly job made no money anyway"
She told me to enjoy her leftovers. I told her that I enjoy mY family greatly, including her son.
Dh asked me to stop. For him. So I did.
She sent about three more texts telling me to work.
I know she's sitting at her house with her gf. Seething. I think she's a tragic and pathetic silly woman.
I probably wouldn't have engaged if I hadn't had that cocktail after returning home from scouts.
... Just couldn't help myself.
- step off already's blog
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It is. I get a little riled
It is.
I get a little riled up here and there but over all I really think she's a poor and pathetic woman. She's told her son she regrets divorcing my dh. Of course she does. She had it made AND she screwed around, didn't take care of her son and do what she pleased.
Tomorrow is a new day. She'll wake up in her girl friend's house, continue to pretend she's not a lesbian, smoke some pot and come up with another way NOT to support her son.
Me? I'll wake up next to my best friend (my dh), get a big smile from my baby and then have breakfast with the kids (including her son) before they head off to school. Then I'll spend the day working my corporate job (from my home) while spending note time with dh and baby.
I've got it good!
ha ha pretend she's not a
ha ha pretend she's not a lesbian....
Your life sounds WAY better then hers and she knows it!
Yes. It actually has nothing
Yes. It actually has nothing to do with her being a lesbian. The even sadder part is that she uses being a lesbian to her advantage when she can (ex: he keeps SS away from me for all these years because of my sexuality), but then denies that she is a lesbian. It's either, "we're just friends" regarding the woman she's lived with for the past 8 years whom she left DH for.
Hey, we all do it at some
Hey, we all do it at some point, it is very hard to sit back and ignore. I actually am the BM and get it from the SM. All the counselors etc cannot believe the crap she sends me, but I just take it to mean she is pathetic! I have responded now and again, like when she was going on about my "winner" of an ex with "yeah I really miss rolling him to bed after he sat on his ass all day" and once "I try and take the high road with you, you should try it the view is much better than your usual from the gutter!" Overall though quiet is best, otherwise she just keeps going!
Before you text consider
Before you text consider restraining orders can go against both parties.
This^^. Your participation
This^^. Your participation makes you guilty of breaking the RO as well.
Does it? I don't have a RO
Does it? I don't have a RO against her. DH does. She told the judge she wanted her own restraining order against DH, and he didn't grant her one.
As we understand it, only the restrained person, who the order is against can break it. DH can not break it because the order is not against him.
But who knows. When we report her for breaking it, nothing happens anyway.
All I can say I am not
All I can say I am not surprised you needed a cocktail after boy scouts.....
I know how hard it is to stay
I know how hard it is to stay quiet in these situations. Trust me, I have said some things to BM that I really SHOULD NOT HAVE. However, this seems a little petty to me. There are a million things I would LOVE to say to BM, just to point out what a POS "mother" she is... but the fact is, she already knows. And me engaging in conversations like this would be me stooping to her level.
Let her wallow in her own misery. Sounds like she has plenty to wallow in. Taking the higher road isn't always easy but it is the right thing to do, and it kills them when you just don't react. That's all she was looking for was a reaction. And you gave it to her. She wins. BM 1, SM 0... better luck next time.
I know, I know... oh how I
I know, I know... oh how I know.
She is mad right now because she is getting nailed for child support.
I know its better when we just ignore her,.,
Attention whores HATE being
Attention whores HATE being put on ignore
I will NOT being ignored
I will NOT being ignored BSgoinon.....I WILL not be ignored!!!
Bwwwwaaaaahahahahahahahah.....bunny stew on them menu later.
"Bring the dog, I love
"Bring the dog, I love animals... I'm a great cook."
You girls are funny! But in
You girls are funny!
But in all reality, my husband said he had nightmares about her last night. She IS a scary one.
Ten years since she left him and she still has nothing better to do...
All the more reason to NOT
All the more reason to NOT POKE THE BEAR!!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
I'm with BS on this one. Do
I'm with BS on this one.
Do not poke the bear. You never know when it's going to turn around and bite you in the ass. Or take off an arm.
All she said was go ahead and
All she said was go ahead and file Mr Mom and you lost it.
First and foremost if your going to throw out there that you will file then be prepared to do it. Sounds like that threat has been used before which brought on her response. She already knows noone is going to file.
Second (and for the record I am pro marijuana) if she is smoking pot and it is not legal in your state and you have knowledge of it then it is your husbands responsibility to file with the courts and ask for a drug test and if hs doesnt then that is neglegent on his part.
Obviously if it rolled off your lips that easy someone whether it be you or your husband has informed her previously of your knowledge of her drug use and have done nothing then all your text did was make you feel better defending your man.
In reference to home work if it is your night with SS it is your responsibility to get it done, she could do it with him when he is home and it would help you out but it is not required that she do so.
So all this did was fire her up, fire you up and stick your DH right in the middle or his past and present.
Do not engage her, I get ya lost it this time but be diligent going forward. And do not ever make idle threats about filing unless your going to do something about it.
We already did file the
We already did file the police report. And we have in the past. She has been pretty much silent since the last time we filed a police report, but again, she's angry right now.
SS has a speech due on a current event every monday morning. He doesn't get it done on her weekends. We pick him up 30 minutes from our home on Sunday night at 6 pm. After we get home and settle in, we ask him to give us his speech. He never can, so we ask him to get back to work on it...
And regarding the marijuana,
And regarding the marijuana, we are a medical marijuana state and she has a medical marijuana card. It is in the court order that she should not be using marijuana withing 24 hours of her visitation with SS. She does anyway, but how are we going to prove it?
She is obviously becoming more blatant about it because he came home smelling like blunts this time.
What can we do?
YOU poked the crazy and YOU
YOU poked the crazy and YOU got it....sorry....no sympathy from me on this one....
yeah I get it..i do...hell I
yeah I get it..i do...hell I have went off on BM before myself...been a LONNNNGGGGG time ago....but sometimes, especially if BM is crazy, you have to take the high road and let her hang her ownself.... trust me, there are plenty of things I would LOVE to say to BM, but I know if I do that I will cause even more problems between me and DH...I already have enough of that as it is....
Way better off ignoring her.
Way better off ignoring her. I agree. (It was my post-boy scout cocktail that just couldn't resist).
Yes, she is an idiot the way she communicates. She is a 37 year old white woman that lives in the valley that likes to speak like she's hard from the inner city.
My DH swears up and down that she wasn't like this when they were together and it all changed when she met her girlfriend...
Sounds familiar >>>My DH
Sounds familiar >>>My DH swears up and down that she wasn't like this when they were together
Makes me ill that he actually
Makes me ill that he actually wanted to procreate with this woman.
But again, he SWEARS she WAS normal. (I think what he actually means is, she was better than she is now).
Who knows.
"Normal"... I laugh every
"Normal"... I laugh every time he says that. There is just no way. Then again, smoking weed and not having a care in the world is what 18 year old kids do (I suppose, at 18 I worked 3 jobs and I still have never smoked weed)... and that is when he started dating her. She stayed 18, and he grew up.