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And then? More in my bm.

step off already's picture

Ss14 had bus court ordered call tonight during the time we were having afamily memorial.

We suggested that ss14 call bm early so as not to intrude on our family events.

He tried. She told him to call him at the designated time
He called her at the designated time. He told us she was drunk, talked about the police and didn't really get a chance to talk with her.

I spoke with him later. He said he was used it it. That that's how she always acts.

(He's told me that before but she's been in pretty good behavior lately) I told him that I was the lucky one because I got to spend so much time with him and his mom was making really and choices. He smiled and said he felt lucky to be part of ours family

What a difference from the kid I was dealing with three years ago.

I feel so sad for hi and literally HATE his mother for everything she has done to him