Guilt about ss's homelessness
Dag nab it, ss20 (he had his 20th birthday yesterday) is completely homeless, living in his vehicle parking at Walmart parking lot with other homeless people. I feel so bad and so guilty and so ANGRY. I canNOOOOOOT live with this kid in my home but I am nearly breaking down. He was on the call list to go to Job Corps and then the gov shuts down and now he is kicked out of his apartment and has no job. We had to downsize last summer due to DH's cancer and only me working and bringing in the income. So we now live in a 1200 sq ft modular home with bedrooms that are 8x10, and only one living room area.
So my issue is how do I live with this right now? Like today I am bringing my 20 yr old disabled daughter home for the day and supper. DH is so ok with me bringing her here and then the guilt washes over me. I told DH to invite ss20 over for supper but ss is so not happy with me that DH is worried about that.
Anyways, I am not sure how it's going to go if the weather turns really bad.
PS, this is not the first time ss has been homeless either, it seems he cannot hold down a job and keep a home. He has disabilities. I have let him live with us 3 times and do not want to set a life time pattern.
- SteelRose's blog
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I hate to ask financial
I hate to ask financial questions but what about this efficiency motels. Could you maybe give him enough for a week or 2 to get cleaned up and find a job? I don't know how much they are and I hate to put it this way but you might be able to find one on the not so good side of town for pretty cheap.
I have to say that ss's
I have to say that ss's disabilities are not such that he gets any gov assistance like my daughter. She was born with disabilities and xh and I got her on to SSI at age 2 and she is still on it and will be for life. Unfortunately ss's disabilities are all emotional that he blames on the divorce and he is a very entitaled brat who can do nothing for himself, pure laziness and so on. It is self imposed. If he'd pull his head out of his a&& he'd be able to get and hold a job and pull together enough money for himself. We have housed him and I have given him thousands to get on to his feet that he just blew on drugs and cheap fast fattening food. He is about 400 lbs and not very hirable. I even bought him a nice set of clothes once last year for an interview that he blew off and said he didn't want the job and I found out later he had a hangover. I am plum out of money and love for this kid. DH actually is too. He was in a nice apartment but let his gf trash it and also call his work and trash him and he got fired and evicted and the gf's mom sent her to Hawaii to a mental institution. It really is all so sad
He doesn't even have enough money to drive the 40 minutes to our place, DH gives him money to come visit once in awhile. But DH just told me he has a friend who is a landscaper who needs some brute force - so we'll see.
Even if his disabilities are
Even if his disabilities are not enough for government assistance, there are agencies that will help him get a job.
He has caused this himself, don't feel guilty.