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Totaly new to this,so how to deal with his ex wife?

souso007's picture

Im Maroccain woman , I married to a divorce canadian man too,he got children from his 1st marriage , a doughter 15 years old , a son 12 years old...He's been divorced for 10 years ,when i met him.
When we get married ,his Ex wife sent him an email wishing i will give him a VIH , and why he is marring a strange person from Africa ....Why just dont back to her and his kids.
Before his Ex wife live in another city , and now she moved to the same city he is living in im still waiting for my visa to came to canada.
It's a new situation for me . and Im a soon to be a stepmom.I do not know what role to take? I also want role a stepmom plays .Please help???????


chaotic's picture

Sounds like you have a long road ahead of you. It is hard but the best advise I can give you is to ignore the ex-wife. Do not talk to her or deal with her. Your husband will have to deal with her because of the kids but you don't need to subject yourself to that. Your husband needs to set boundaries with her and only discuss issues related to the kids and make sure that he lets her know you are now his wife and she will have to accept that. What is the situation with the skids? Do they have joint custody, how much time to they spend at their dads? Have you met them yet? What are their ages?

sam's picture

that when dh is remarrying is when they come out of the woodwork and start making the new wifes life a living hell.If you strongly love this man and he feels the same and is willing to stand up for you to his ex wife than i would not say much to her and let him handle her psyconess.I hope that it works out for you but be prepared for some tough times ahead.

Anon2009's picture

Welcome here and to being a stepparent!

I think the role a stepmom plays in her stepkids' lives varies from situation to situation. When I was growing up, I wasn't close to my stepmother so she didn't play as big of a role in my life as I do in my SD's (stepdaughters) lives. Don't get me wrong- I was and am always civil to my stepmother, but no more.

A lot of us (me included) have dealt with the nasty, vindictive ex-wife. They badmouth our husbands and us to their kids and are anything but cooperative when our husbands (DHs) try to work with them/ obtain info from the/communicate with them. As a result, many of our stepkids are rude to us and have a lot of anger and hate in them towards the situation, us and their dads. It would just be so much better for everyone involved (including the birth mothers (BMs)) if all the adults could just find a way to get along.

For a long time, we had every other weekend visitation (EOW) with my SDs. Their BM would spew hatred, vindictive, untrue things about us to them and it (along with my DH's lack of ability to stand up to BM and SDs and correct them for their behavior) caused them so much unnecessary hurt, anger, hatred, and confusion.

I think the thing to do is to talk to your DH about the role you'll play in the family. Throughout the discussion, though, make it clear that, however big or small of a role you decide to play, a) he needs to demand that your stepkids treat you with respect, b) you expect him to discipline his kids and to give you a say in the rules for the stepkids and consequences for breaking them, c) you must be consulted in all things (note: in your home, you and DH are the final decision-makers. When he needs to make a big decision about the stepkids, for example about their schooling, medicine, or extracirricular activities, he must still consult you first and then make his final decision, THEN talk to BM and work something out. He might choose to incorporate your feelings in his decision, he might not. But most importantly, he'll have consulted you first.) d) He needs to set communication boundaries with BM. Those are 1) the communication must be about the kids only (that's an ABSOLUTE MUST) 2) Maybe they could exchange an email once a week to keep each other up to date on the kids' schedules, how the kids' week went, if the kids got in trouble in school or elsewhere that week, and they can call each other in emergencies. You both should work together in making a list of stuff she can call you about and stuff she can email you about, and he should email it to her. That way, it's crystal clear what she can/can't call about and what she can/can't email about. When the stepkids are over, he needs to show ALL of you affection. That way they'll see that just because Dad loves lovely lady doesn't mean he doesn't love them anymore. He should also spend 1-on-1 time with each of them because a) it's good for them and their dad and b) if BM tries to tell them he's a bad dad who doesn't care about them, they'll know the opposite. Last, but not least, he needs to tell her to grow up and act like an adult and tell her how dare she put the kids in the middle and not to EVER speak like that about you EVER again. I also HIGHLY recommend that you DO NOT communicate directly with her or go on pickups or dropoffs for the stepkids. You'll be saving yourself A WORLD of trouble.

Sorry this is so long, but this is what I've learned in my years of being a stepmom and it has been a HUGE sanity-saver for me. It's nice to meet you!

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

If it's the ex you are most worried about for now, speak to your DH about his communication with BM and come to an agreement of what line should not be crossed and if that line is crossed DH will need to put her back in her place. For eg: Conversations between them are only about the skids, no odd hour phone calls unless it is a child emergency. If phone calls become too frequent for no reason speak to DH about e-mail contract only.
There are so many things we all here can tell you but everyones situation is so different from the next.
Speak to DH about his expectations and your expectations on your role in these childrens life and where you stand.

Just make sure that whatever you do and however you handle your situation you are always treated with respect. We all deserve respect.

Gmama's picture

the ex was no where to be found until we said I do. then all hell broke loose,after many years,and many fights, my husband finally got that I couldn't take it anymore and he needed to set bounderies,limits,and rules down for her. as long as he continues to INFORCE them with her things MIGHT go better, and yes If you can stay out as much stuff as you can and as far away from the situations, I still get dragged into it sometimes but it's gotton better.

souso007's picture

Hi!Iloved all yours comments here..Im glad i got some helpful replies from people in a similar situation.
I agree with DANI1081 when she said "everyone situation is so different from the next".
I dont understnad what do u mean by what is the situation with the kids?I never talked to them ,or meet them yet ,they never said hi! and their ages are the daughter , she is 15 years old , and the son he is 12 years old ,they live with their mom ,and they visit their dad in the weekends ... that's all i know ,but i will ask my husband to day about the coustody .
by the way my stepdaughter she is rude to everyone , to here dad too,and she doesn't get well with her grandma,she alwayse argue with her.....and in the christmas when i was talking to her dad on internet ,she was in the same room , and start singing ,like no one is talking , and when i told him he said "it's my daughter "i said but she can't go to another room so, she can do what she wants.and he didnt say anything to her ,in the end i turn off the webcam , and hung up ,and said merry christmas and happy new year .and bye.and the next day he apolgize to me.
that's it.......
I hope i will have a good , quiet relationship with my husband.but!!!!!!!!!!!

chaotic's picture

Teenagers are the worst. Especially girls. They can have really bad attitudes. Be prepared....they might not be that accepting of you and you may have to deal with some very rude behaviour. Your husband will need to demand respect from them toward you. Good luck and keep us posted on how things go!!