SD is driving me crazy
My SD2 is whining so much lately. She has started this really cute thing lately where she manipulates people. She will cry for her mom whenever she is with me and whenever she is with her mom she screams for me. She even reduced her BM to tears the other day doing this. Then she won't sleep to save her life. Her being tired is the main reason she is such a brat lately. I just can't handle it and it is even creating a rift between me and the BF because god forbid his little angle be punished for her actions. He just spoils her too much even when she is bad it annoys me. Mean while she is a devil while BM and BF are in denial. Don't get me wrong I know how hard it is to raise a kid in two homes but sometimes you just have to except the fact your child needs an attitude change. I just wish that she didn't get everything that she wants while I have to deal with her constant crying.
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I think I know what this is about.
She's two! Ah, I remember those days and not fondly. In my opinion, trying to punish a child that young is pointless. Their attention span is way too short at that age. Your best bet is to redirect her attention to something else. A firm "no" and then turn her focus in another direction. She'll learn more through repetition than she will through punishment. For the not sleeping, talk to her ped. If she's gotten so off track that her days and nights are confused, the ped may advise you to give her Benadryl or something like that for a night or two until she gets back on track. And don't worry... she WILL grow out of this stage and move on to even more upsetting behaviors soon!
Hang in there!
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
That's why they call it terrible two's...
That's why they call it terrible two's...cause it really is for a large part. I agree with Georgia; punishment is not the way because she will not understand what she is being punished for...way too young for this; comprehension level isn't there yet.
I know it's frustrating, I have 3 kids of my own and some days I remember sitting on the stairs crying myself cause it was unbearable. It does get better as they get older, but these times are very, very trying.
If you are consistant....if you can get both mom & dad to do it too it would help, but be consistant with the firm no and trying to get her attention on to something else.
As for the sleeping, make sure she doesn't sleep during the day for a couple of days and gets lots of fresh air....lots of play time, possibly with other little ones. This will wear her out and she should be back on a normal schedule. I always found this to work. Lots of fresh air REALLY helps.
Its all about attention (good or bad) at this age...
It sounds like she is being rewarded with attention when she misbehaves. Remember its no fun throwing a tantrum without an audience. Just like dog training (sorry but its true), ignore her when she is being whiney, and reward her with lots of attention and fuss when she is being good.
I agree
SD is 7 and she still does this. The way H and I look at it is ANY attention is better than NO attention. Of course when yr two you can't completely vocalize yr feelings so this is how they act. I agree that you just have to either distract her from what she's screaming about or ignore it and eventually she'll get the point from repetition.
"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle