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4th of July plans with the family

someonetotalkto7's picture

Good Morning everyone!

We have plans to go to my DH's family's lake house for the 4th. My DD is coming from Arizona, she'll be here for a month ( I'm so excited)!!! so we will have 6 kids, DH, myself, and his parents. It's also SS6's birthday this weekend. I'm telling myself not to get stressed out when the Skids act up (which they will). I'm going to try to go with the flow a little bit better and let him deal with it when they freak out. DH sat his kids down to talk about behavior expectations last night. He has been trying harder and doing a better job of following through with parenting, and I think this is because now I am telling him to take care of it when I ask the kids to do something and they don't listen to me. I just say "DH, please take care of XYZ they aren't listening or whatever. I think its getting old fast for him now that he is having to deal with their behavior issues. He had dinner in the oven when I got home from work last night and is generally being sweet and helpful. It is not easy to have 5 boys in the house full time, especially now that's its summer break.

I am so thankful I found this site, reading everyone's stories and being able to vent and talk to people who understand steplife can be very hard and very stressful is helping me to be a better mom and better stepmom. Thank you!


Acratopotes's picture

Mars gives a dang about the 4th of July...... Wink so I will have a very very normal day in the office, and more pissed off then any one else, cause ya all will be holidaying while I have to work

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

The 4th is my birthday. Just want to sleep in, have cake and see the fireworks in the evening.

Acratopotes's picture

hey hey hey - don't go MIA again woman...

I will have to remember to congratulate you then...

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Ah I am still here. Thanks! Just haven't gotten around to recent updates. I survived the in-law visit!

OP- prayer and a good supply of liquor will get you thru the holiday! And remember it is your holiday too. Don't spend the whole time catering to anyone but yourself! Bring some good reading. 'Ask your dad...I am in the middle of a chapter"!