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snoopyinoz's Blog

OMG really?

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Ok so DH was planning on going somewhere today with the SDs fine by me, it's fathers day, and I could use a day ALONE! At 8 freaking thirty OSD starts knocking On our door "Daaaaaddddyyy it's 830" it continues at 845, 9, ,910 "daaaaddddyyy it's this time" finally after about the fourth time I snapped and told her "we are WELL aware of the time, we DO have a clock in here now knock it off" OSD started to say something and DH told her the same thing. Well he gets up and decides to make sandwiches to take with them OSD "can't" find the sandwich bags.

Update to one ticked off SD

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So it is no 4 and still she has accomplished NOTHING. She just came in the house for the umpteenth time for something petty and when I asked her what she needed she said "I want daddddddddyyyyyy" really? Hmmmm let's see considering your DADDY sent you out to do this, and your DADDY told you it had better be done by the time he got home, and you have accomplished jack squat I don't really think your DADDY is gonna save you! This is going to be an interesting evening I can already tell

One ticked off SD

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So, the Skids went to BMs for the holiday weekend. Ok fine. Well last night it hit the fan. DH went looking for HIS ice cream and it was gone. An entire box of Klondike bars that he bought Monday morning. So he stars asking me about it. No I didn't touch them, I have my OWN ice cream thank you very much. So DH asks the SDs about it. And GUESS WHAT?! SD11 had eaten them!

Why is it.....

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That all of a sudden, after seeing BM (who remember is a half ass parent to start with not showing up when she's supposed to ect) the Skids seem to drop in intelligence and IQ? I swear SD11 has the smarts of a 5yo today! Just a few minuets ago I caught her just STANDING in the street for no reason! So I get onto her and her response was "why?" um because there are CARS in the street dumbass! "why"? REALLY? GTFO of the street! I asked her if she needed to be supervised like a toddler and she looks at me like I'm a dumbass and says "no. Why?" um gee? I wonder!

Did hell freeze.......

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And if so why was I not notified? DH and I drop the skids off with BM for the weekend. First shocker she actually CALLED US three days ago to ASK not demand if she could have the kids. Ok no problem. When we drop the kids off BM was NICE, FRIENDLY, and SMILING! This makes me wonder 1) what is she up to? 2) has she finally figured out that she is going to have to play by the rules. Or 3) has she been replaced with some sort of alien life form that only resembles BM in looks.


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That is my new name for BM an IT. The kids went to ITs for mothers day. And in true IT fashion, when we picked the kids up, youngest SD was clean, hair washed, nails done, clean clothes. Oldest SD hadn't had a bath since thursday, her clothes hadn't been washed, her hair was nasty filthy, and she stunk. DH asked her about it and older SD said IT "didn't want her wasting water" EXCUSE ME? Wtf?

Really BM part 2

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Ok so BM hasn't bothered to do a thing involving the kids since Christmas. No phone calls no letter, card, email NOTHING. But wait SHES THE MOTHER! So this means in her little world she can do whatever! DH got a call from the atty this morning, aparently BM DEMANDED that she have the kids this weekend. Didn't ask, didn't plead but demanded. Then said if DH doesn't comply he will be responsible for her atty fees, her last trip to the drop off point and she will take us back to court. Um ok. Sure.

Really BM?

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Ok supposedly BM drove to the pick up point a couple weekends ago and we didn't show (in our defense 1. This visit was only tennative NOTHING was set in stone 2. BM is ORDERED to call us 48 hrs in advance as the pick up point is a 3 hour drive for us and her. We haven't heard a PEEP from her) now she is wanting us to pay her gas for her driving there. Our atty told her atty "hmmm seeing as how MY.

Ready to strangle DH and Skids (vent/rant)

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So DH and I bought a house and have been trying to get moved out of the dinky ass apt. He has lived in for the last 9 years. Wait let me rephrase I have been moving stuff. DH just HAD to do something Saturday that was NOT that damn important so his "mom" and I moved crap all. Freaking. Day. Sunday we had "help" IF you could call it that. One of DHs buddies came over and he and DH basically stood around talking all day. The Skids have had an attitude about EVERYTHING. And are basically about as usefull as tits on a boarhog.

I am litterally SICK ..........

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Normally, I dont give two sh*ts about what BM says about anything, She has despised me and is STILL mad at me over something that happened 14 YEARS AGO In HIGH SCHOOL! (Her, DH and I all went to school together) But what came out last night has just litterally made me sick to my stomach. SD10 was in one of her "moods" yesterday and last night. DH finally sat her down and talked to her, and SD10 just lets it all out.
