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First day of spring break and I'm ready for them to go back to school!

snoopyinoz's picture

This morning started out great then went to hell. SD 7 decided that she wants to get back into the "baby me, I can do no wrong" attitude. Soooooo not doing it. SD10 was trying to read and SD7 started in with her whiny high pitched fake crying bs and snatched SD10s book out of her hands and tossed it across the room. Needless to say, SD7 soon found herself in her room napping. I am sick of this shit from SD7! BM litterilly babies her (and hasn't seen the kids since Christmas BTW no contact at all) SD7 doesn't "get it" that she is NOT babied here by me or DH. Never has been! I refuse to baby her as does DH, and since DH and I have been together it has been this way. Any ideas other than actually treating her like a baby( seeing as how that's what she wants) to get this stopped?


dreadingit's picture

Maybe try taking away things she likes (tv, computer, some toy?) and telling her that those are for big girls and if she's going to act like a baby, then she can only have baby things?
I feel your pain...our spring break starts tomorrow, and I am dreading it. PLEASE don't remind me that summer is right around the corner. (Sob!)

k8tie's picture

Babies take naps, sometimes twice a day (that might help you out too! lol). Babies wear diapers and need bottles. Babies cant do ANYTHING for themselves or cant be left in a room by themselves other then when sleeping. Babies cant feed themselves. Babies cant go outside to play and need age appropriate more big girl toys or tv or movies. After a week, she will get the hint and stop on HER own. Give her a taste of her own medicine.
