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Guess what BF smelled at BM's??

smurfy1smile's picture

BF dropped his BS1 off at BM's after his parenting time this evening and he said he saw a lighter flick in the window so he waited a moment and then BM turned the lights back on - the house lights were off. BM opened the door to BF and BF smelled the strong smell of POT! OMG! Who does BM think she is? This is the one who has to control everything. Last I knew, people who smoke pot are not in control of their life. BM asked that BF bring baby home at 8pm or 8:30pm, guess she was hoping for 8:30 instead of 8 when BF showed up.

I talked to a girlfriend of mine and she said BF should not have left baby with BM.

I don't know what to do or to tell BF what to do.


Anon2009's picture

and right now so he can see what his legal options are! I wouldn't have left the baby with BM either! I would have been on the phone with my lawyer to see what I can legally do about this situation! I hope the baby is OK and will keep him in my thoughts and prayers, and will do the same for you and your BF. Keep us posted!

smurfy1smile's picture

So true, but she did send a very dumb email earlier in the day with her interpretation of the court order.

sam's picture

have freaked and took the baby back home.How can she take care of this child all strung out?And let him breath this crap in.My ex did this once i was at work and came home he wasnt ther so i went down the street and he was at his friends house.So i knocked on the door and nobody answered but i heard them inside and he had our son with him.So i walked in and like 5 people were in their kitchen smoking pot and my son along with other peoples kids were in the next rm.So i started yelling at him in front of his friends and this girl who i hated anyways asked me what my problem was so i turned around and decked her in the face grabbed my son and went home.I put my son to bed and through all of my exes stuff off our balcony on the road and locked my door.That is one thing i just couldnt bare is to think my little son at the time his lungs were breathing this shit in.

secondwife20's picture

were in that same situation. BM accused DH of smoking pot because she "smelled" it. Total BS because:

a) I DO NOT and WILL NOT allow any nasty drug in my house
b) DH and I were home all day with SD8 that day... no pot smoking!

So BM called her lawyer and tried to get DH in trouble. According to the lawyer, DH can't get in trouble unless he was caught in the act of doing it with the child in his supervision. Even if they tested (which would cost BM $500 to go through with it), it doesn't necessarily mean he smoked any pot with SD8 there. "Smelling" pot isn't good enough for the judge... you have to catch him in the act.

Both DH and I laughed hysterically at the fact that BM would try to pull that one off but it's whatever. Smile

You might get BM as an unfit mother but I'm not sure if smelling pot will be good enough to take her to court. You definitely want to speak to your lawyer about it,

caya506's picture

BM of my BF's BS smokes pot. Not only does she smoke now she also smoked when she was pregnant with their child. she's pregnant again and still smoking pot!! WTF, how dumb can you be?? Anyway your girlfriend was right he should have not left him there and would have had every right to take him back.

Grumpy's picture

Face it.. the parent that does that doesn't care about anyone but themselves! And to do that knowing a baby was going to be there shortly!!! JEEZ. No one that smokes that stuff can function. Oh I know! Kill some brain cells to be a better PARENT??? Seriously!

Baby should have gone right back out of the house.. that is child endangerment! CPS would have something to say about that for sure!

I just can't believe that there are people out there that care so little for their kids that they could do that. We don't even drink a lot in our house. Occasional beer on the weekend with dinner..for the adults and not around the kids.

That is so not what a kid (no matter how old) needs to learn with society running the way it is now!

I feel your pain! A court can get her for contempt you know.. and can order a drug test too..

The light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train!!

SM#1's picture

Have him call the police next time. Have them do a welfare check let them know what he thinks is going on. Then I would take her to court and have her do a hair folical test.